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Olio d'oliva uccide cellule tumorali.

Illustrious Member
Registrato: 2 anni fa
Post: 30947
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Un composto dell'olio uccide le cellule tumorali in meno di un'ora.

L'oleocantale, un polifenolo antiossidante presente nell'olio extra vergine di oliva, permetterebbe di uccidere le cellule tumorali in meno di un'ora, secondo uno studio condotto da ricercatori statunitensi.


Secondo uno studio condotto da scienziati dell'Università Rutgers e dell'Università dell' Hunter College della Città di New York, pubblicato sulla rivista Molecular & Cellular Oncology, un composto antiossidante presente nell'olio d'oliva extravergine, l'olecantale , sarebbe capace di uccidere le cellule tumorali in meno di un'ora di tempo.

Secondo i lavori degli autori, Onica Legendre, Paul Breslin e David Foster, l'oleocantale penetra nelle cellule tumorali e distrugge i lisosomi, piccoli sacchetti interni che accumulano i rifiuti. I lisosomi diventano allora più grandi nelle cellule tumorali rispetto alle cellule sane e sono così più fragili.

L'oleocantale, danneggia la membrana di questi sacchi inibendo un enzima, facendo progressivamente morire le cellule cancerose. Mentre le cellule sane rimangono intatte.

" Centrare la stabilità della membrana lisosomiale rappresenta un nuovo approccio per indurre la morte delle cellule cancerose ", concludono gli autori.

" La dose utilizzata nei test dei topi è molto alta ", spiega Paul Breslin, uno degli autori dello studio.

A titolo di comparazione, un essere umano che pesa 90 kg dovrebbe consumare circa 2,25 litri di olio di oliva per eguagliare la dose iniettata nei topi.

Prosegue " è ragionevole pensare che un'esposizione quotidiana continua all'oleocantale nel corso della vita potrebbe avere un grande effetto ai livelli osservati ".

L'oleocantale potrebbe dunque rivelarsi essere una nuova alternativa ai farmaci chemioterapici.

Fonti: Scienze et Avenir / JDS

Trad.kefos93 per

Estimable Member
Registrato: 2 anni fa
Post: 113

Presto fatto, eliminiamo l'olio d'oliva.....da

A bacteria affecting olive trees in Italy may soon spread to other olive oil-producing countries of southern Europe, industry officials warn. The blight came from the Americas and is aggravating an already bad harvest for Italian olive growers.

The bacteria, called Xylella fastidiosa, or olive leaf scorch, have affected thousands of trees in Italy's southernmost Apulia region. The microbe hampers fluid movement in affected plants, making their leaves and branches dry out and die. Insects spread the disease to new plants.

According to the European Food Safety Authority (Efsa), the problem already affecting Italy may soon spread to other EU nations, unless contamination procedures are implemented. But Italian olive growers say the government will not allocate money to tackle the problem.

"If it expands its range further, the entire Mediterranean basin risks being contaminated," Giovanni Melcarne, the president of an oil-producing consortium in Otranto, was quoted by The Telegraph as saying on Friday.

Since the bacterium was first detected in Italy in September 2013, it has spread dramatically from 8,000 hectares to 230,000 hectares. Olive trees as old as 1,000 years, which are considered a national heritage in Italy, are affected.

There is no cure for the disease and combatting it has a cost both in monetary terms and in terms of environmental damage. Stopping the aphid carriers from traveling to new areas requires creating wide stripes of ploughed soil treated with insecticides around the contaminated areas.

Reuters / Jon Nazca
Reuters / Jon Nazca

The spread of the bacterium is facilitated by Italy's long-time tradition of planting olive trees along the roads, which now gives the infection ready routes.

“There is serious concern that this disease could spread from the Apulia region as it has been increasing in the last few months,” Enrico Brivio, a European Commission spokesman, told the Guardian. “We will evaluate the situation and decide if additional measures are necessary at a standing committee meeting on the 19-20 January.”

The Xylella outbreak coincides with a particularly bad year for Italian olive growers last year. An unusually cold and wet summer meant that olive trees lost many buds. And those that managed to produce olives were attacked by olive fly, which lays its larvae in the olives.

"It's a disaster of Biblical proportions," Johnny Madge, a British producer who has been making olive oil in the Sabine Hills region, north of Rome, told the Telegraph. "In this region, production will be almost zero."

The harvest was the worst in decades, down 40 to 50 percent. With Italy and Spain accounting for some 70 percent of Europe's olive output, industry organizations warn of an imminent price hike.

Illustrious Member
Registrato: 2 anni fa
Post: 30947
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Presto fatto, eliminiamo l'olio d'oliva.....da

A bacteria affecting olive trees in Italy may soon spread to other olive oil-producing countries of southern Europe, industry officials warn. The blight came from the Americas and is aggravating an already bad harvest for Italian olive growers.

The bacteria, called Xylella fastidiosa, or olive leaf scorch, have affected thousands of trees in Italy's southernmost Apulia region. The microbe hampers fluid movement in affected plants, making their leaves and branches dry out and die. Insects spread the disease to new plants.

According to the European Food Safety Authority (Efsa), the problem already affecting Italy may soon spread to other EU nations, unless contamination procedures are implemented. But Italian olive growers say the government will not allocate money to tackle the problem.

"If it expands its range further, the entire Mediterranean basin risks being contaminated," Giovanni Melcarne, the president of an oil-producing consortium in Otranto, was quoted by The Telegraph as saying on Friday.

Since the bacterium was first detected in Italy in September 2013, it has spread dramatically from 8,000 hectares to 230,000 hectares. Olive trees as old as 1,000 years, which are considered a national heritage in Italy, are affected.

There is no cure for the disease and combatting it has a cost both in monetary terms and in terms of environmental damage. Stopping the aphid carriers from traveling to new areas requires creating wide stripes of ploughed soil treated with insecticides around the contaminated areas.

Reuters / Jon Nazca
Reuters / Jon Nazca

The spread of the bacterium is facilitated by Italy's long-time tradition of planting olive trees along the roads, which now gives the infection ready routes.

“There is serious concern that this disease could spread from the Apulia region as it has been increasing in the last few months,” Enrico Brivio, a European Commission spokesman, told the Guardian. “We will evaluate the situation and decide if additional measures are necessary at a standing committee meeting on the 19-20 January.”

The Xylella outbreak coincides with a particularly bad year for Italian olive growers last year. An unusually cold and wet summer meant that olive trees lost many buds. And those that managed to produce olives were attacked by olive fly, which lays its larvae in the olives.

"It's a disaster of Biblical proportions," Johnny Madge, a British producer who has been making olive oil in the Sabine Hills region, north of Rome, told the Telegraph. "In this region, production will be almost zero."

The harvest was the worst in decades, down 40 to 50 percent. With Italy and Spain accounting for some 70 percent of Europe's olive output, industry organizations warn of an imminent price hike.

Ciao, la sapevo e non dare la colpa a me 😉

Illustrious Member
Registrato: 2 anni fa
Post: 30947
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prima o poi arriverà la Monsanto.

Illustrious Member
Registrato: 2 anni fa
Post: 30947
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prima o poi arriverà la Monsanto.

Si, ma se non vende olio continua ad usare l'olio di palma per le patatine ?

