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USA pronti a cooperare con i Paesi dove andrà Edward Snowden

Illustrious Member
Registrato: 3 anni fa
Post: 30947
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USA pronti a cooperare con i Paesi dove andrà Edward Snowden.

Non sanno che pesci prendere per ucciderlo.

E sembra che sia già in Russia.

Noble Member
Registrato: 3 anni fa
Post: 1142

Questo si domandano negli USA:

The Talmudic Blog הבלוג התלמודי

talmudic analysis and critical thoughts on religion, jews, judaism, tanakh, bible, talmud, mishnah, midrash, haggadah, israel, rabbis, anti-semitism; synagogues, prayer, liturgy, siddur; teaneck, scandals, universities; politics, minnesota; terrorism, inventions, google, amazon, kindle, apple, iPad.

Is Edward Snowden Jewish?
Okay, fine. New Yorker bloggers debate whether Edward Snowden is a hero or a villain:

Jeffrey Toobin: Edward Snowden Is No Hero
John Cassidy: Why Edward Snowden Is a Hero

But what we want to know: is Edward Snowden Jewish?

We will go out on a limb here and, even lacking firm evidence, based on his bio, we will say, no, Edward Snowden is not a Jew.

US News on NBC news reports: "Born June 21, 1983, he grew up in Wilmington, N.C., but later moved to Ellicott City, Md., he told The Guardian. His mother, Wendy, is the chief deputy clerk for administration and information technology at the federal court in Baltimore, a court official told NBC News. His father, Lonnie, is a former Coast Guard officer who lives in Pennsylvania, the Allentown Morning Call reported. A neighbor said he has an older sister who is an attorney."

Avete capito????????

Il Talmudic Blog si domanda se questo povero imbecille sia EBREO o MENO!!
Questa è la PRIMA domanda che si pongono i ratti-nazi-nato-sionisti.
E' 1 EROE od 1 VILLANO???????????

E se EBREO lo fosse, starebbe in tutta questa propaganda da 4 soldi????
Questa è la domanda da porsi.

Illustrious Member
Registrato: 3 anni fa
Post: 30947
Topic starter  

Questo si domandano negli USA:

The Talmudic Blog הבלוג התלמודי

talmudic analysis and critical thoughts on religion, jews, judaism, tanakh, bible, talmud, mishnah, midrash, haggadah, israel, rabbis, anti-semitism; synagogues, prayer, liturgy, siddur; teaneck, scandals, universities; politics, minnesota; terrorism, inventions, google, amazon, kindle, apple, iPad.

Is Edward Snowden Jewish?
Okay, fine. New Yorker bloggers debate whether Edward Snowden is a hero or a villain:

Jeffrey Toobin: Edward Snowden Is No Hero
John Cassidy: Why Edward Snowden Is a Hero

But what we want to know: is Edward Snowden Jewish?

We will go out on a limb here and, even lacking firm evidence, based on his bio, we will say, no, Edward Snowden is not a Jew.

US News on NBC news reports: "Born June 21, 1983, he grew up in Wilmington, N.C., but later moved to Ellicott City, Md., he told The Guardian. His mother, Wendy, is the chief deputy clerk for administration and information technology at the federal court in Baltimore, a court official told NBC News. His father, Lonnie, is a former Coast Guard officer who lives in Pennsylvania, the Allentown Morning Call reported. A neighbor said he has an older sister who is an attorney."

Avete capito????????

Il Talmudic Blog si domanda se questo povero imbecille sia EBREO o MENO!!
Questa è la PRIMA domanda che si pongono i ratti-nazi-nato-sionisti.
E' 1 EROE od 1 VILLANO???????????

E se EBREO lo fosse, starebbe in tutta questa propaganda da 4 soldi????
Questa è la domanda da porsi.

Ma và ?
