Subito dopo il Natale 2014 suscito' un certo scalpore l'annuncio che lo scienziato russo Parkhomov aveva replicato l'hot-cat di Rossi.
Va anche detto che Parkhomov ha eseguito tutta una serie di esperimenti, molti dei quali sono finiti con la distruzione del tubo che fa da nucleo al suo hot-cat sperimentale. Causa: le altissime temperature.
Sull'esperimento di Parkhomov (geniale nella sua apparente semplicita') e' interessante sentire l'opinione di Axil, una specie di filosofo naturale della faccenda LENR. Egli e' un sostenitore dell'ipotesi che alla base ci siano reazioni di tipo plasmonico, fenomeni elettromagnetici microscopici che avvengono alla superficie di certi materiali. I plasmoni sono fenomeni studiati a fondo solo di recente, vedere wikipedia.
Estratto da:
The Nanoplasmonic theoretical interpretation of the most recent Parkhomov experiment on 27th/28th February
Axil - March 3rd 2015
In the plasmonic theory of the LENR+ reaction there are two possible sources from which the LENR reaction spring: the Static Nuclear Active Environment (NAE) and the Dynamic NAE.
The Static NAE reaction is pinned on the surface of the nickel powder where the tubercles provide a phase mask that form polariton solitons on the surface of the powder.
The Dynamic NAE are formed when plasma cools and form nano-particles, These nano-particles aggregate together as they cool and provide the phase mask for polariton soliton formation.
There is now experimental analysis that discounts that the nickel powder has contributed any power to the LENR reaction. From a theoretical standpoint, this could be explained by the lack of proper sized particles used in the experiment and also the lack of tubercles on the surface of any nickel particle no matter its size.
This may mean that there has been no value added to the LENR reaction from Parkhomov type nickel particles: these particles are LENR inert. For Parkhomov, his LENR+ reaction is only carried by Dynamic NAE.
The dynamic NAE contribution begins to be felt when nano-particles begin to form and aggregate. It looks like this particle formation process begins within a temperature range of between 1110C to 1130C when lithium aluminum hydride is used as the secret sauce. All the LENR power may be only coming from nano-particle lithium and/or hydrogen aggregations. Experimentally, it looks like the power produced by the dynamic NAE establishes its mode of power production in a very short time frame as an explosive burst of power.
One of the possible mechanisms that is generated by the nickel particles is the establishment of a Bose-Einstein condensate (*) within the polariton soliton ensemble. The lack of functional nickel micro particles might be the reason why a decreasing heater resistance is not seen in recent Lugano replication attempts as has been seen in the Lugano test. This lack of condensate development many be causing instability in LENR power production from the dynamic NAE.
(*) si parla di condensato di Bose-Einstein quando un gran numero di bosoni (particelle elementari con spin intero) agiscono in fase, cioe' in modo coerente, comportandosi di fatto come un'unica particella spalmata nello spazio
Esempio di aggeggio plasmonico: