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Pakistan agli USA: " state in campana "

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Registrato: 3 anni fa
Post: 1142
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Last month’s attack by a NATO aircraft on Pakistani region that killed 24 soldiers has infuriated Islamabad. RT spoke to Hamid Gul, the country's former head of intelligence, about consequences the incident may have for US-Pakistani relations.

­Islamabad has already ruled out taking part in a US-backed conference on the future of Afghanistan next week. The decision was just one of Pakistan’s reactions to the airstrike, which brought already tense relations between the two countries to a new low. NATO supply routes through Pakistan have been shut off, and Islamabad officials said Washington would have to make amends and win back the people's trust.

“This is only going to give boost to the right-wingers here, [while] Americans are trying to manipulate in Pakistan, [whereas] the political direction in future, after they withdraw, should be more to the left, more towards the liberal kind of dispensation,” Hamid Gul told RT.

“I think, inevitably,

is going to drift more towards right. Giving the status of the most-favored nation to India had already created a situation when the right-wingers were very annoyed. And since I belong to the right-wingers, we are going to have a very big rally in Lahore on December 18, and we will see how the nation responds,” he added.

With the influence that the relations between the two countries inflict on the political situation in Pakistan being on one side of the problem, there is another issue, and that issue is the US withdrawal itself, with all the surrounding consequences.

“I will be expecting that immediately after the Bonn [conference on the future of Afghanistan], after they are given some kind of face saving, Obama would come up with this much expected announcement, because American public opinion is now turned against this war, and 86 per cent of voters of the Democrats, which is Obama’s party, want quick withdrawal,” Hamid Gul went on to explain.

“If Obama is to get some political benefit out of it, he must get the bulk of his troops out of Afghanistan before he goes to polls before November next year… and 67 per cent of the Republicans, which is the opposition, also want quick withdrawal,” he said.

At the same time, Gul pointed out, there are numerous players who are not interested in the US pulling out at all.

“The Indians don’t want, the Israelis don’t want…, there are security contractors…, and then there is the military establishment which knows that as soon as Obama pulls out the troops he is going to cut the military budget,” he said.

To pull out from the region, the US has no other choice but to rely on Pakistani transit corridors, Gul added. On top of that, multiple issues the United States have to deal with across the world, such as Libya, Syria and many others, Washington cannot afford to open another front against Pakistan.

“Pakistan is not an ordinary country. It’s not Iraq, it’s not Afghanistan – Pakistan can resist, and then the whole region will be turned into an inferno. It will light a fire which they will not be able to control,” Hamid Gul concluded.

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Registrato: 3 anni fa
Post: 1142
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Pakistan to deploy air defense weapons near Afghan border

Islamabad is preparing to deploy air defense weapons on the border with Afghanistan to prevent any more NATO air strikes. Major General Ashfaq Nadeem, director general of military operations, announced the plan, adding that the NATO attack that killed 24 Pakistani troops last month was pre-planned, the local media report. Some Pakistani lawmakers speculate the air strike may have been carried out “by the CIA.”

Le pedine si muovono lentamente: tutti (tranne le nazioni fantoccie quale l'Italia) sono ormai contro l'arroganza della NATO, l'unica risposta è per vie militari. Tempo....

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Registrato: 3 anni fa
Post: 1142
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Pakistan: 30 camion cisterna carichi di petrolio della NATO distrutti in attacco missilistico

[09.12.2011] trad. di Vera Zasulich per GilGuySparks

ISLAMABAD: almeno 30 camion cisterna e i loro container appartenenti alla NATO sono stati dati alle fiamme a seguito di un attacco missilistico su un terminal di container nei pressi di Quetta nel Pakistan sudoccidentale nella notte di giovedì, lo ha riferito PTV, una televisione governativa in Pakistan.

Secondo i rapporti dei media locali, alcuni sconosciuti hanno attaccato un terminal di container privato con razzi nella zona di Kharot Abad, un posto vicino alla parte ovest di Quetta, capoluogo della provincia del Balochistan nel sud-ovest del Pakistan.

Oltre 35 camion cisterna e container della NATO risultavano parcheggiati al terminal quando è avvenuto l’attacco, è stato riferito dai media locali, aggiungendo che all’attacco con razzi è seguita anche una una sparatoria.

Nessuno è stato ucciso o ferito durante l’attacco, ma molti le petroliere della NATO e dei contenitori ha preso fuoco dopo l’attacco, ha detto che i rapporti.

Sei pompieri sono stati spediti al sito dopo che l’attacco è stato segnalato. Tuttavia, i vigili del fuoco non sono stati in grado di riportare il grande incendio sotto controllo, hanno detto i rapporti.

Nessun gruppo ha ancora rivendicato la responsabilità dell’attacco.

L’attacco di giovedi notte ai convogli di rifornimento della NATO è il più grave del suo genere nel paese dopo che il 26 novembre la NATO ha colpito lungo la frontiera due posti di blocco di confine dell’esercito in Pakistan. Migliaia di convogli di rifornimento della NATO sono stati bloccati in Pakistan, dopo la decisione del governo pakistano di bloccare le linee di rifornimento della Nato attraverso il Pakistan, come rappresaglia per l’attacco aereo della NATO che ha ucciso 24 soldati pachistani e ferito altri 13.
