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LENR: open idea magnetoidrodinamica

Illustrious Member
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Post: 6373
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Axil e' un commentatore coi fiocchi sul tema LENR.
Ed e' pure di una generosita' notevole.

Onde prevenire possibili brevetti sull'idea, se ne viene fuori in stile open source sul concetto di generatore idrodinamico applicato ai reattori LENR+, quelli simili all'Hot-cat.

Ce n'e' abbastanza per lavorarci sopra per anni.
Capitalisti di ventura, forza, annunciatevi.
Stati lungimiranti, che senso ha dormire?
Ecco come creare lavoro ben remunerato, a beneficio di tutti, alla lunga.
Altro che consigli degli economisti.


Axil dixit - February 23rd 2015

I would like to now get something on the open source record and protect the concept from patent trolls and proprietary non disclosure. This concept is formulated to eliminate the complexity and control problem that has been seen in the alumina tube based LENR experiments conducted by Rossi, MFMP and the Russians.

With the application of the combined talents of a select group of design engineers, it seems possible to design a self charging high effectuate lithium ion battery that can capture and transform its heat energy directly into electricity.

If a tube based reactor as we have seen demonstrated by Lugano replicators is configured in a thermal heat transfer loop to distribute hot between a hot end and a cold end, a cross flow of lithium vapor ions going down the tube in the hot to cold direction and a controlled counter flow of lithium aluminum liquid metal (melting point = 500C to 600C) travailing back to the hot end from the cold end.

Electric energy could be extracted from the flow of both lithium vapor ions and ionized hydrogen nano-particles on there way from the hot end of the tube were the LENR reaction is occurring to the cold end where the tube is being cooled in a co-generation process by properly configured electrodes in the flow path used to confine and direct the movement of the ionized vapor. A electrode target may also be required at the cold end of the tube to completely deionize the lithium/hydrogen plasma.

On the way back, electric energy could also be extracted from the flow of liquid metal returning from the cold end of the tube to the hot end using Magnetohydrodynamic generation(MHD).

An MHD generator, like a conventional generator, relies on moving a conductor through a magnetic field to generate electric current. The MHD generator uses hot conductive plasma or a flow of liquid metal as the moving conductor. The mechanical dynamo, in contrast, uses the motion of mechanical devices to accomplish this.

In principle, any electrical conducting fluid can be used as the working fluid, and power generation has been demonstrated with a number of such fluids, varying from liquid metals to hot ionized gases.
The absence of moving machinery allows the MHD generator to operate at much higher temperatures than other power generation systems and, therefore, higher thermodynamic efficiency can be reached.

A key component of the MHD generator is the superconducting magnet, which produces the magnetic field necessary for the energy conversion process. If we get lucky, the LENR process itself may create a degree of superconductivity in the magnetic coils of a electro-magnet as has been seen in LENR reaction wires in the LENR experiments of Celani.

Efficiency greater than 65 - 70 % can be reached if a triple cycle, including an MHD generator, ion plasma to electricity conversion electrodes, and a CO2 turbine, is utilized. Such a configuration could fit well into a transportation power source.
The electricity produced by the moment of electrically conductive plasma and liquids could be used to produce a self sustaining LENR reaction when portion of that MHD generated power is fed back into a pumped stimulation of the LENR reaction at the hot end of the tube.

Further comment

by Axil - February 23rd 2015

If a physical process exists and holds promise to advance the welfare and profit of mankind, an engineer will someday figure out how to use that process in a machine of his own creation.

Ni/H reactor meltdown is an example of that sort of process. Someday, a machine will be build to take advantage of LENR in the plasma phase, where tungsten vapor confined in a magnetic bottle will produce heat in excess of 10000C.

Such a process was produced by Ken Shoulders in his electric arc experiments where Ken detected LENR by producing transmutation in vaporized palladium in the plasma produced by electric arc discharge.

This is also the process involved in transmutation of various types of transition metal strips including titanium vaporized in water trough the application of a strong electric arc

Now that this aspect of nature (aka ball lightning) is recognized, some inspired engineer will figure out how to put it to good use. Its just a matter of time for LENR+++ to be made real and utilized.

It comes to me now that plasma phase LENR is what R. Mills is trying to utilize with his SUN cell reactor.
