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Netanyahu? Un pazzo psicopatico criminale

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Published: 19 July, 2012, 20:16

Burgas suicide bomber identified by media as Guantanamo jihadist (VIDEO)
Bulgarian media have named the suicide bomber who blew up the bus with Israeli tourists on Wednesday, killing seven. The terrorist is alleged to be Mehdi Ghezali, an Algerian-Swedish Islamist who spent two years in Guantanamo Bay.

Officials have so far refused to comment on the information.Previously, local police matched up airport CCTV footage with the remnants near the bus carrying Israeli tourists that was destroyed in the explosion.

The likely suicide bomber was carrying a US driving license bearing the name Jacque Felipe Martin that authorities believe to be a forgery.Mehdi Ghezali is a 33 year-old Islamist, who was arrested in Pakistan in 2001 and subsequently spent two years in detention in Guantanamo. When he was sent back to Sweden, the local government refused to press charges against him. He was arrested again by Pakistani authorities on the Afghanistan border in 2009, but once again set free upon extradition back to his homeland.

The suspect – a long-haired man in shorts wearing two rucksacks – looked no different than the thousands of other holidaymakers at the popular Black Sea resort. He roamed the airport for an hour, apparently waiting for the tourists arriving from Tel Aviv to go through customs before approaching their transfer bus and detonating his bomb.Five Israelis, the Bulgarian driver and the bomber were instantly killed.

Two more tourists remain in serious condition in the capital Sofia, while an Israeli military plane has flown around thirty others who were wounded back to Israel.Interior Minister Tsvetan Tsvetanov said the bomber had spent between four days and a week in the country.”We cannot exclude the possibility that he had logistical support on Bulgarian territory,'' said Tsvetanov.

Police have taken a DNA sample from the skin of the terrorist to see if it is listed in any international criminal databases.

The shadow war

Israel did not hesitate in naming the perpetrators of the attack.
"All signs point to Iran. This is an Iranian terror offensive that is spreading throughout the world," said Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu.

The past year has seen attacks on Israeli embassies in Georgia, India and Kenya. Israel says that each time the investigation led back to Iran, Israel’s principal enemy.

`The direct executors are Hezbollah,'' claimed Israeli Defense Minister Ehud Barak. The Lebanese Islamist organization enjoys ideological and financial ties with Tehran.`

`Israel will do all it can to find those responsible and punish them, both those who carried it out directly and those who dispatched them,” promised Barak.

In response, Iranian TV branded the accusations “sensationalist” and “ridiculous.”

Bulgarian Foreign Minister Nikolay Mladenov said further investigations will be necessary before a definitive perpetrator of the attack is found.“It is wrong and a mistake to point fingers at this stage of the investigation at any country or organization," stated Mladenov.

Noble Member
Registrato: 3 anni fa
Post: 1519

Come si crea la paura nel popolo ebraico e il mito dell'antisemitismo tanto caro all'elite sionista e talmudista: DEFAMATION:
E la versione integrale di un film già postato qualche giorno fa da un utente di CDC.
Assolutamente da vedere per avere altri elementi su come inquadrare l'attentato in Bulgaria.
