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Violenti e massicci arresti a NY

Illustrious Member
Registrato: 3 anni fa
Post: 14446
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Occupy Wall Street activists are tweeting that several protesters have been violently arrested by the New York City police following a rally to support the student movement in Quebec.

­The demonstration was held on Washington Square, but protesters were later reported to have started marching south. Police apparently responded by making arrests. Protesters reportedly continued to bang pots and pans in an act of solidarity, despite the arrests, and are now heading north.

The student movement to protest tuition hikes and a law curbing the right to spontaneously demonstrate in Quebec has attracted support from various solidarity groups worldwide.

nella terra delle libertà il diritto a manifestare non è concesso.
I cittadini americani sono vittime di una brutale tirannia liberticida.
L'Onu intervenga

Membro Moderator
Registrato: 3 anni fa
Post: 4113

L'Onu intervenga

Oggi l'ONU protegge solo i combattenti armati dediti alla demolizione degli stati sgraditi agli USA.
Dei civili che manifestano pacificamente non gliene frega una sega.
