LENR: Axil, come im...
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LENR: Axil, come imparare dagli errori

Illustrious Member
Registrato: 2 anni fa
Post: 6373
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Axil e' abilissimo nei ragionamenti attorno alle LENR. E' molto ben informato sui vari esperimenti effettuati in diverse direzioni. Sa anche interpetare la causa di alcuni esperimenti considerati un fallimento. In realta' e' proprio da questi esperimenti mal riusciti che si possono trarre importanti lezioni. Qui sotto Axil esprime la sua linea di pensiero.

Commento doppio estratto da:

Axil - March 22, 2016

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When someone fails at LENR he has big problems, like a bemused traveler who stumbles into a den of pit vipers, there is no redemption. Damnation is a bitch. The lives and careers of Pons and Fleischmann were destroyed by their LENR failure. Have you noticed how Rossi invokes F8 and F9 anytime he says anything? Rossi will not take any small money investment; he uses only big money where the professional investors understand how failure plays a major role in the R&D game. Even the sainted Rossi knows how perilous the sin of failure can be among the proletariat.

In the LENR religion, an erstwhile prophet will be hoisted up onto the cross by the screaming mob in a heartbeat when the dawning of failure is perceived if not understood. Poor Dr. Kim, like P&F, the purest of the sacrificial lambs is again offered up on the blooded alter of failure.

But what is failure anyway. DGT (*) failed to boil water, the true measure of LENR success. Their system wasted all its LENR energy on radiation, RF (**), and the production of magnetism. The Defkalion engineers were unable to turn the LENR reaction toward the production of steam. How sad.

Rossi says now that his new system produces light and electrons. In this new dawning of the next LENR epoch, heat is just an afterthought. On their seats of judgement, this goes to show how fickle, arbitrary, and wrathful the gods of LENR can be.

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In engineering, determining why something fails is more important than observing success. We can learn much from the DGT failure.

In the case of the DGT system, the barrier to their success is the electric arc reaction activation process that they used. When that arc was triggered, it disrupted the Bose condensate process that thermalized any LENR energy that was produced. Instead of producing heat, X-ray radiation and various forms of intense EMF (***) resulted. The condensate was disrupted during the period of maximum LENR activity.

In the Rossi system, Rossi uses an electric arc in the fuel preparation stage only where heat production is not required and x-ray radiation can be tolerated. When the fuel is placed on line, a Bose condensate thermalizes the LENR energy at high efficiency and no x-ray radiation is detectable.

The same radiation production mechanism is seen in this spark based system.


"It is revealed that the heterogeneous non-equilibrium plasmoid is an intensive source of soft X - radiation of 1 - 10 keV quantum energy."

The most intense radiation occurs at the spark but as the LENR products moves away from the magnetic field produce by the spark, the x-ray radiation decreased by 20% at 100 Cm. As the LENR products travel away from the spark, a Bose condensate is beginning to set in to support the thermalization process of the x-ray radiation that was maximized at the spark.

This is a lesson to be applied to engineering other LENR systems, even though electric arcs are required to produce the metastable exotic hydrogen species needed to support the LENR reaction, the spark must not be used in the on line system.

The LENR reaction must be partitioned into two parts, one to produce the Rydberg hydrogen matter during fuel preparation and two the use of only heat during on line processes to keep the Bose condensate in place once it has formed.

Any system that uses spark discharge in on line operation is destined for failure. The Defkalion clone, AIRBUS system is an example. Also any on line system based on electrolysis is also a failure waiting to happen.

(*) Defkalion Green Technology
(**) Radio Frequency
(***) ElectroMagnetic Frequency

per avere un'idea di cosa siano la materia di Rydberg e il condensato di Bose-Einstein consultare wikipedia

-- NB --
Al link sopraindicato, Peter Gluck ha postato la traduzione in inglese dell'ultima giornata del simposio francese dedicato alle LENR.

Notare, per la storia, un contributo che descrive un "insuccesso" occorso prima del famoso annuncio storico di Pons e Fleischmann. Nel corso di un processo di elettrolisi, con un elettrodo di nichel di qua ed una polverina di ossido di zirconio di la', all'improvviso si sviluppo' nell'elettrolita del relatore una palla luminosissima. Risultato: lo zirconio era fuso, indizio che vennero superati localmente i 2mila gradi, malgrado il liquido elettrolitico circostante. Quell'esperimento "fallito" venne rivalutato a posteriori come un caso di LENR.
