LENR: gossips elett...
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LENR: gossips elettrici e aeronautici

Illustrious Member
Registrato: 3 anni fa
Post: 6373
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Substantial Progress 'Being Made in Direct Electricity Production From the E-Cat X

Posted on February 3, 2016 by Frank Acland - 31 Comments

Andrea Rossi has made a couple of general comments lately about how things are going with the E-Cat X testing, and he seems quite positive about progress. In an update yesterday he wrote:

E-Cat X: strong progress on course for the direct productin of electric power: very promising.
1 MW E-Cat: troubles during the night, but now stable.
Warm Regards,

Hank Mills then posed a question trying to get a quantification of how much electricity was being produced in relation to heat, and Rossi responded:

Andrea Rossi
February 2nd, 2016 at 7:04 PM
Hank Mills:
I am still not able to answer to questions related to the efficiency of the E-Cat X, but I can say that in these very days we are making substantial progress in the field of direct production of electricity.
This having been said, thank you for your insight, but add F9.
Warm Regards,

So not much detail, as is typical for Rossi, but he does seem to be increasingly optimistic regarding the E-Cat X, especially relative to electricity generation, and it seems that the recent testing to destruction of one of the E-Cat X reactors (he says two are still intact and operating) has been particularly helpful.

He wrote on Monday:

At 08.35 of Monday, February 1st 2016
1 MW E-Cat stable
E-Cat X: 2 in good standing, one destroyed leaving enormous information about the production of electric power.

Rossi was asked on the JONP what the results of the destructive testing were in terms of melting or vaporization, and the production dangerous chemicals or radiation. He replied: "The outcome of destructive tests is melting, plus other phenomenons that are restricted."


Rossi could be working with Aircraft Company

Andrea Rossi and his e-cat team could be working with a US aircraft manufacturer. The low energy nuclear reaction (LENR) researcher made that revelation on his blog on Monday February 1. An expert with connections to a major aerospace company is apparently helping Rossi conduct research on his E-Cat X.
In response to a question from someone identified as J.C. Renoir Rossi made this intriguing remark:

"I am working with the help of a US expert for the field that works in a top concern of the USA and is related indirectly to a top aircrafts manufacturer; I am learning."

Sadly Rossi did not identify the expert, say what a top concern is nor identify the aircraft manufacturer. One intriguing possibility is that the "top concern" is NASA. That organization's full name is the National Aeronautics and Space Administration.

Two NASA scientists Joseph Zawodny and Dennis Bushnell have been conducting LENR research. The space agency has also concept art of LENR powered jet air craft. One has to wonder if Zawodny or Bushnell is evaluating Rossi's work for NASA or a major American aerospace company such as Boeing or Lockheed-Martin. At least one other aerospace giant, Airbus has also shown some interest in LENR.

Aerospace companies are interested in LENR because of the possibility of a jet that could operate without fuel. Such an aircraft could stay in the air a lot longer, have a longer range and carry a much larger payload. Rossi has confirmed that one of his ecats has been operating for a year on a charge and has produced one megawatt of heat.

NASA concept animation of LENR powered aircraft.

In addition to dropping cryptic hits Rossi is also conducting destructive tests on e-cat. These involve melting the e-cat down and I imagine deliberately damaging it to see how it functions in extreme situation. This as if safety tests are being conducted. That means Rossi might be close to conducting a field test or a commercial application.

It sounds as if e-cat could finally be ready for prime time. Hopefully, we will get some actual confirmation instead of just cryptic remarks from Rossi to go on.

-- Barber --
Qui vanno rivalutati i barbieri, ne sanno sempre una!

Noble Member
Registrato: 3 anni fa
Post: 1074

Il barbiere non saprei, ma ti dirò come la pensa la mia parrucchiera, che è bravina, solo un po’ complottista, il che ogni tanto non guasta. Lei pensa che gli studi fatti da Rossi sulle LENR hanno un effettivo potenziale di sviluppo, certamente non per l’Italia o la Grecia, citandone due a casaccio. Anzi, proprio in Italia, paese a noi più conosciuto per ovvie ragioni, lo scienziato è probabile che si sia imbattuto nel classico sistema volutamente omertoso e burocratico da rendere impossibile qualunque progetto sensato e tale da scoraggiare anche il più audace dei ricercatori.
Da qui il convincimento (spontaneo o meno, non lo abbiamo capito) di Rossi a trasferire il cervello oltre oceano, nella patria dell’apparato militar-industriale più aggressivo, prepotente e convincente della galassia.
Morale: si constata l’ennesimo furto manipolativo da parte dei soliti. Si constata inoltre che, invece, un altro tipo di progetto è entrato in vigore a pieno ritmo e senza intoppi burocratici di alcun genere, in seguito ad un accordo diretto tra Italia e States che riguarda il clima e sottoscritto nel 2003, data dalla quale hanno iniziato ad apparire con sistematica regolarità le famose scie nei cieli. Come si può ben vedere, volere è potere ma le cose migliori sembrano ancora riservate ad un’èlite ristrettissima, la gente comune deve gingillarsi con le tribolazioni quotidiane e restare in ostaggio di petrolio & derivati. Speriamo in un cambio del vento.

Illustrious Member
Registrato: 3 anni fa
Post: 6373
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di' alla parrucchiera che il Rossi di formazione e' .. filosofo.
E ormai tocca la soglia dei 70 anni.

