LENR: Lewan, come f...
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LENR: Lewan, come funziona l'e-cat

Illustrious Member
Registrato: 2 anni fa
Post: 6373
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Mats Lewan e' forse il gionalista scientifico che ha seguito piu' da vicino la genesi del "fenomeno Rossi", ossia la nascita del catalizzatore energetico, battezzato e-cat.

In quanto svedese, Lewan ha sicuramente avuto modo di interloquire direttamente con gli scienziati svedesi che hanno studiato l'e-cat messo a loro disposizione da Rossi.
Poiche' parla un buon italiano, Lewan ha avuto modo, durante le sue numerose visite in Italia, di sentire direttamente i protagonisti delle "LENR all'italiana", ovverossia le reazioni LENR a secco di tipo Ni-H. Oggi si sa che pure il litio gioca un ruolo assai rilevante.

Mettendo a frutto il fatto che sta seguendo le LENR "all'italiana" fin quasi dagli albori, Lewan si sente ora pronto a divulgare la sua spiegazione sul funzionamento dell'e-cat. Lo fa nello spirito della Open Science, un movimento ispiratosi a quello del Open Software.
Un'associazione molto rappresentativa del Open LENR e' quella del MFMP (Martin Fleischmann Memorial Project). Lewan invita anche a seguire i video esplicativi realizzati da Bob Greenyer per il MFMP.

La spiegazione di Mats Lewan sul funzionamento dell'e-cat qui sta:

Notare come i brevetti depositati da Piantelli (uno di questi poi ritirato per via di un contenzioso con Rossi) siano stati di grande ispirazione per Lewan, che s'e' fatto spiegare come stanno le cose anche da Bob Greenyer.

Da notare pure un possibile uso dell'e-cat quale eliminatore di scorie nucleari. Un e-cat concepito a tale scopo sarebbe in grado di trasformare isotopi radioattivi a lungo tempo di decadimento in atomi stabili, percio' piuttosto innocui dal punto di vista radioattivo.

Sono numerosi i commenti al post di Mats Lewan.
Metto quello di Axil, molto scettico sul presunto ruolo dell'H- :

Axil - March 7, 2016

The pseudo neutron theories are the bane of LENR because of the need to keep LENR theory consistent with nuclear theory where the neutron is always involved. So we must invent a neutron substitute to keep the meme of nuclear physics in play.

But the S- theory does not work for the broad class of high energy LENR reactions such as Rossi's E-Cat X where operating temperatures are at or above the melting point of nickel (1500C). At that temperature the H- ion cannot keep itself together. At that high temperature, H would be ionized.
The high temperature environment of the Proton 21 experiment also puts hydrogen into an ionized state.

Any electric Arc based system such as the Defkalion system cannot support the H- construction because of the high temperature of the arc.

Another case is all the very hot EVs produced by Ken Shoulders in his decades of research.

The SunCell works at temperatures above 5000C where hydrogen is ionized.

The high temperatures produced by exploding titanium foils also speak against the H- theory.

There are other high temperature systems that have recently come out of Russia that also use an electric Arc to produce the LENR reaction at ionizing temperatures.

The H- theory is a myopic concept designed to cover only the limited conditions that were produced by low temperature LENR reactions such as Piantelli's reactor. The H- theory cannot be applied broadly across all LENR causation scenarios to be a candidate for a unified LENR theory.

Now there is the detection of mesons, pions, and muons that come out of most LENR reactions as Holmlid suspects. How does the H- theory explain these sub atomic particles?

How does H- theory explain all those electrons coming of the E Cat X when those electrons should still be connected to the H- ion?

The H- theory is an old theory that has had it day in the Sun and has been disproven by the march of progress in LENR by a broad spectrum of LENR experimentation. H- Theory might give a warm emotionally based feeling about an imagined certainty in LENR, but it cannot be true.

== NB ==
Il commentatore Reginald B. Litte fa notare come egli abbia brevettato qualcosa di simile ai brevetti Piantelli, ma anni prima di lui. Cita al proposito due articoli scientifici apparsi su arxiv.

Gli avvocati si fregheranno le mani, c'e' lavoro per loro.

Qui sotto il commento di Bob Higgins, pure lui scettico sulla spiegazione di Lewan basata sulla presenza di ioni idrogeno negativi

Bob Higgins - March 7, 2016

If I understand Piantelli's theory correctly, for the H- anion to enter the Ni nucleus, it must be first shrunk to a more compact form. This because in free space the H- ion is physically huge (larger than a neutral H atom) and would only appear like a negatively charged body at a range greater than the size of the H- ion. So, this H- anion must be shrunken to fit into a Ni atom as a muon-like composite fermion. It is likely the condensate-like action applied to the surface H- anion by the atoms in the right-sized metal grain extract energy from the H- anion to shrink it into a DDL-like state (no one has ever done the math for DDL states of an H- anion).

As you say, once the shrunken H- anion enters the Ni atom, it quickly descends into a tight orbital around the nucleus. All we can really say about what happens next is that in at least one branch of the reaction that occurs, a 6+ MeV proton is ejected. This is so much energy, it could only have come from a nuclear conversion of mass to energy - it does not come from simple Coulomb repulsion. So, some nuclear conversion occurs and at least part of the time a 6+ MeV proton is ejected.

So, what happened to the 2 tightly bound electrons that comprised the shrunken H- anion? MFMP's recent measurement of a radiation outburst showed a smooth distribution of photon energy to over 1.5 MeV, with the bulk of the energy being below 100 keV. This suggests Bremsstrahlung radiation, which only occurs from very high energy light particles (electrons, not protons). I suggest that it is possible that the electrons of the shrunken H- anion share in the energy provided to the proton in that branch of the nuclear reaction.

I propose that the energy becomes randomly distributed between the electrons and the proton in this branch of the reaction. This leads to a distribution of energies between electrons and the proton. The statistically varied (shared) energy given to the electrons is responsible for electron emissions (not beta because there is no neutrino) that caused the Bremsstrahlung radiation that was detected by MFMP. The spectrum measured could only have come from electrons with a statistical distribution of energies - some of those electrons having energies over 1.5 MeV. To obtain such high energy electrons requires energy being created by nuclear mass deficit (the same for the protons).

My posit is that the nuclear reaction that occurs with the shrunken H- anion in tight orbital around a Ni nucleus releases electrons and the proton with energy randomly distributed between them; this energy coming from a presently unknown mass conversion process in the nucleus.

Evidence of the high energy electrons showed up in the measured MFMP Bremsstrahlung spectrum (GS5.2 by Alan Goldwater). It is believed that these high energy electrons may not have been observable in Piantelli's cloud chamber, and so could also have been present during his proton detection.
