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Setta Baha'ì e NWO troppe coincidenze?

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Registrato: 2 anni fa
Post: 229
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I Bahai vogliono il paradiso in terra (satanico?)

costruire un governo mondiale, una moneta, una lingua, una polizia, un sistema di commercio senza barriere, una religione... (cosmopolita e sincretica?)

Bahá'u'lláh died peacefully on the morning of 29th May 1892. He now lies buried in Bahji, in a shrine surrounded by a stunning garden, which is designed to symbolise the order of the world in the future

The establishment of a World Commonwealth

"It must, however long and tortuous the way, lead, through a series of victories and reverses, to the political unification of the Eastern and Western Hemispheres, to the emergence of a world government and the establishment of the Lesser Peace, as foretold by Bahá’u’lláh and foreshadowed by the Prophet Isaiah" (Shoghi Effendi)

Leggete i programmi globalisti dei Baha'ì:

La domanda che mi sovviene: chi ha creato, nel senso di aiutato e finanziato questa setta religiosa?

Di accuse ce ne sono fin troppe,..alcune fantasiose, altre credibili.
