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Libia 2011 e Napoli 1861. Un confronto


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Salve sono lettore del forum, ma non sono di madrelingua italiana.
Ho un pensiero sulla guerra di libia che vorrei condivider con voi.
Perdonate se non é italiano

The events that took place in Libia in 2011 reminded me some events that took place in Italian history, and namely the conquest of the Kingdom of Naples. Here I list the anologies that I noticed.

In both cases the excuse to intervene was constructed on an alledged lack of democracy (in 1861, the magic word was „Constitution“).

In both cases the world has believed that a handful of brigands could topple a relatively stable power. For what concerns the events of 1861, they did not even have the decency of keeping the number of the „rebels“ confidential: they were 1000.

In both events this oddity has been justified with a widespread support of the population for the invaders. All the instances in which population supported the other side and was brutally murdered have been neglected because not matching with the mainstream story.

In both cases foreign powers have pretended neutrality, but in fact they were the real perpetrators of the invasion.

In both cases the deposed rulers, Francesco II of Bourbon in 1861 and Mohammar Gaddafi in 2011, differently from many of their subordinates, did not betray their people and were determined to fight till the end for the freedom of their land against a foreign occupying power. For this they were either ridiculed or considered cause of a useless bloodshed.

In both cases who opposed the invaders got a derogatory labeling by the media: bringands in 1861, and regime-supporters in 2011. Who betrayed his land was labeled „patriot“. War is peace, freedom is slavery, ignorance is strength.

Both invaded countries had a large stockpile of a resource that was extremely important for the times: sulphur for the Kingdom of Naples (90% of the world reserve) and Fossil fuel for Lybia.

In both events the invasion was decreed after the deposed ruler was about to make a crucial economical decision harming anglosaxon interests: the king of Naples (Ferdinand IV) wanted to sell the concession for the exploitation of Sulphur to France instead of renewing the treaty with england , as France was ready to pay twice as much as England(Source: Carlo Alianello, La conquista del sud, Rusconi, 1982). Gaddafi wanted to introduce a golden currency for the whole african continent, making the exploitation of africa using priceless dollars no more possible.

Both monarchies changed overnight from ideal allies to tyrant oppressing their people.

In both cases the invaded country happened to have a large gold reserve: 144 tons of gold for Gaddafi, and 443,2 millions of gold-equivalent liras for Francesco II.

In both cases the invading faction imposed a currency that was not related with gold reserve. For 1861, read here :

In both cases Italy's conduct is deplorable: Italy followed the political will of foreign powers in order to sit at the victors' table, in 1861 as well as in 2011. This feflects the political tradition of the "Bel Paese".

Italy has been a battlefield for other countries for a long time, because of its geographical position and is wealth during the past centuries. Our politics, moreover the foreign politics since the past 60 years, doesn't reflect in any way what the Italian people usually want.
It's now a simple matter of history that Italy was unified to weaken the Austro-Hungarian Empire and that the Kingdom of Sardinia had the help of both France and UK in its challenge to conquer the other Italian reigns. In more recent times, it is becoming increasingly clear that Mussolini was created to stop the raise of socialistic movements in Italy and in Europe, with the help of many foreign forces.
By the end of WWII, things have changed slightly: the bulk of efforts to influence politics in Italy didn't come from UK-France but from USA and URSS, with the latter far less successful than the first. We have had a lot of politician controlled or killed by USA, plus a long series of shocking period in which our collective consciousness has been hit to drive elections and other relevant political actions.
Said that, I don't mean we are not responsible for the actions of our Country, but it's too simplistic to treat Italians like "traitors" because, in my opinion, we have never been fully free in our choices.
