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"Jesus' Bluff - The Universal Scandal of the World"t

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"Jesus' Bluff - The Universal Scandal of the World"


Hans Atrott

Chapter 7
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Confirmation of Celsus on Yeshu Panthera (aka:Jesus "Christ") by the tradition of Judaism


There are reports in Judaism about Jesus and the Christian barbarity. One is called "Toledoth Yeshu". Others are to find in the post-biblical collection of the “Mishna”, “Tosefta“ and “Baraitas”. Christian shysters always tried playing down these embarrassing documents down proving the feigning “religion of truth” as a fooling one.

For instance, they partially wanted to postpone the provenance of the “Toledoth Yeshu” from the 6th until the 13th century that means about up to 700 years. Here we confine ourselves to a comparison of the “Toledoth Yeshu” with Celsus. There is a lot of amazing common of "Toledoth Yeshu“with Celsus, who obviously wrote his treatise close to that time when the Christians concocted their gospels.

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As already mentioned, all early Christians did not exaggerate those Christian fooling about Jesus’ begetting and birth that shamelessly as those fabricators of the three synoptic gospels” do. Marcion omitted especially the most impudent lies about the ancestry and childbirth of the Christians' shoddy Pied Piper. For example, he refuses to spin-doctor the alleged

"immaculate conception",

the impertinent lie about the ancestry of the bum to King David,

the stolen Mithraic story of the start of Bethlehem,

the dark lie of the alleged infanticide, i.e., the alleged infanticide of Herod that should have taken place about the time of the Christians’ deformity’s birth and about which -- besides the Christians -- nobody knows something.

However, as Christian Marcion also is no honest individual, even if not that perfidious as his fellow impostors are. He wants to share the other lies, for instance, the purportedly unlawful conviction of the Christian set's instigator (Jesus) to death, the faked resurrection, etc. One cannot but remember that we know so little about the death penalty convict (Jesus) because the Christians conceal, darken and destroyed all the knowledge about him that was not favorable to their lies and deceits. That is why they were burnt not only corresponding books like that one of the ancient Greek philosopher Porphyry (232/3-304) but later they also burnt those individuals that told the repressed truths, which this terrorism wanted to replace by lying and deceiving. Those were no incidents and no accidents but necessities of liars, deceivers and swindlers (devils) that are inevitably afraid of the truths. Give these religious rogues with frocks and without frocks, the power and everything will necessarily reoccur if not exceeded.

There is no connection to both sources (Celsus and the “Toledoth Yeshu”). However, Celsus (about 178 CE) says that his sources are Jewish ones. Christian shysters tell that the “Toledoth” is four until nine hundred years later than Celsus. Consequently, Celsus could not have his knowledge from the “Toledoth”.
Moreover, this produces evidence that all the Christians’ driveling about the age of the “Toledoth” is blather and baloney, i.e. without any worth if there are correspondences between both (the “Toledoth” and Celsus).

If there are correspondences with completely different sources then one can conclude that those reports are very reliable. I.e., if there is correspondence of Celsus with the "Toledoth Yeshu" from Judaism, then one can assume that those reports are true because they are independently told from each other. There is not the slightest clue for it that Celsus’ book “Alethes Logos” (True Discourse) was spread in Judaism or even the alleged "rebuttal" of Origen.

That what does not correspond with Celsus and the “Toledoth Yeshu” doesn't interest the author in this context. So, here is said nothing else about the reliability of the “Toledoth Yeshu”. Moreover, we reject the Christian art of character assassinations to run down a whole book by finding a fly in the ointment. Why are there so many mysteries, for example, secret “gospels” that were never edited to the public? Because the lie shies from the truth like fire from water... In addition, one should not forget those correspondences of the “Toledoth” with that of “Mishna”, “Tosefta“ and “Baraitas”.

One can recognize in detail correspondences of the „Toledoth Yeshu " of Judaism with Celsus’ script concerning Jesus’ birth and ancestry. Moreover, there are descriptions in the “Toledoth” that are only understandable by the Jewish faith.

That demonstrates the independence of each source. Despite all denunciations by the Christians’ death penalty convict, it is not known that the Jewish clergies ever arranged perjuries in order to hide truths as the early Christians demonstrably did (click here), i.e., the Jewish sources are incomparably more reliable than the Christian ones.

Anyway, it is emphasized that the two Greek philosophers – Celsus (about 178) and Porphyry (232/3-304) -- are absolutely respectable sources reliable beyond all comparison to any other Christian one. Once more: Those who burn books are everything but a source of truth because the truth is not afraid of lies but lies of the truths.

By the way, also Porphyry reports that Christian impostors entered the lectures of Plotinus (205-270) and claimed that Plato and Aristotle could not go in-depth of the matters. Ah, ah, ah – that is “theatre” when the last ones pose as “the first”. Ah, ah, ah! You Christians are as jerks as barbarians…!
There is an English translation of the “Toledoth Yeshu” in the Internet on:

toledoth.html. In the following it is referred to this English translation. The contents of it will be reported here. In case this document should be withdrawn from the Internet it is copied by the author and thus accessible, in any case (click here).

According to the “Toledoth” Yeshu (Jesus) was born in the year 3671 during the reign of Jannaeus.[i] It is said “a great misfortune befell Israel, when there arose from a certain disreputable man of the tribe of Judah, whose name was Joseph Pandera.”[ii]

That misfortune did not befall only Israel but humankind. It is confirmed that a certain Joseph Pandera sired the’ instigator of Christian sect (Jesus). Ancient Greek philosopher Celsus reports the same in 178 CE. (One heeds the self-reliant spelling regarding Pandera with " d ", instead of with " th " as Celsus writes.

This once more un
derlines the Toledoth’s independence. Perhaps, one has changed the "d“ into „th" in order to make the “immaculate birth” of the insane death penalty convict a laughing stock. Further, the “Toledoth” says that Yeshu descended from the tribe of Judah [iii], was infamous [iv], lived in Bethlehem [v], i.e., not in Nazareth. According to the gospel of John, we quoted already in the previous chapter the “Toledoth” must be mistaken here. The “Toledoth” does not report that Panthera was a Roman mercenary but says that he has been appearing like a warrior regarding his outward appearance.[vi]

This once more demonstrates that both sources do not copy from each other. In the vicinity of that Joseph Pandera lived a widow with her chaste and sweet daughter Miriam (Mary).[vii] Miriam (Mary) was betrothed with a certain Yohanan.[viii] (Note that the name of Joseph is only used in the context with Pandera, the lecher, not, however, concerning the fiancé of Mary! If the father of Jesus was called Joseph according to the Christian scriptures,’ then this Joseph was not the fiancé or husband of Mary but Joseph Pandera, a lecherous panther. Pandera is said to have had the first name “Joseph”. . Yohanan the real fiancé of the Mary was a reputable man. Necessities of faking “god” as father of a child firstly did not happen once and secondly do not grow on trees…

Mary’s adultery in the night of a Sabbath and her refined art of lying according to the Jewish tradition

Now, the “Toledoth” noticeably even tries to excuse Mary on

account of (lecher) Pandera. However, that can be also perceived as a very subtle irony concerning Mary’s sophisticated art of lying – the mother of the planet’s topmost liar nobody can outdo. Well, the “Toledoth” continues that Pandera -- knowing that Mary’s fiancé was absent -- knocked at the door of Mary’s dwelling.[ix] [ix] Lecher Joseph (Pandera) is said to have faked being her fiancé Yohanan to Maria and so, oh, what a disaster, the “immaculate” mating with the "God" Pandera and his "Holy Spirit" had happened, suddenly. [ x ]

Indirectly, the “Toledoth” makes fun of the “divine and virginal” copulation of Mary with lecher Panther. Mary seems to have been that sexually excited and delighted that – oh, poor girl! – she did not notice that the one who was mating her was not her fiancé but lecher Pandera… Oh, that poor girl! Somewhere the top juggler of lying and deceiving that later crept out of her womb must have got his extraordinary ability of deceiving…!

Because Mary mixed up slob, sod n' hog,

She guessed the mate was made by god!

Oh, that poor sod called Mary ostensibly realized later that her fiancé did not mate her when the pleasure was over …Perhaps everything happened from behind so that she could not see if the archangel Gabriel, Joseph Pandera, or god or perhaps by a hyena mated her! She is completely excused, since she had no eye on the back…

Oh, poor Mary! Imagine " Mary’s misery " -- a lot of the Christians’ locations of pilgrimage are called like that! There is a monster coming to her. She cannot realize that the lecher is not her fiancé. She lies down on her back, puts her skirt up, spreads her legs - and she still it does not realize that the one who is now bending over her is not her fiancé…

After the adultery Mary confided in a rabbi that was called Shimeon ben Shetah with all her grief.[xi] Presumably, this was a fact the Christian desperadoes never could burn at the stake. Even concrete names are passed on, here. Moreover, it would be also completely incomprehensible if Maria would not have turned to her rabbi for advice and help in such a severe crisis of her life and her engagement. And if the fairy tale that god was going to mate her would had been true – a good laughing stock – then she would have applied to her rabbi, all the more! Today, a person would turn to a psychologist or psychiatrists in such a severe crisis of his or her life. The then "psychologists" were the rabbis.

The young wife now was menaced with a (further) life of an expelled slut, i.e., with a disaster that was going to befall her. Mary’s confession to an obviously competent rabbi, who is called by his name in the “Toledoth“, the circumstances of the birth of her illegitimate child (Jesus) became known.

Indeed, due to Mary’s credible confession the Jewish clergies, the latter had much more knowledge about the actual laid of Mary than Jesus and his Christian barbarians want them to know, at all. One has to imagine the then time in order to recognize what a tragedy had befallen Mary and later almost the whole globe: The adultery was a disgrace for Mary and likewise, for her fiancé Yohanan.

Mary who immediately confessed [xii] her adultery to Yohanan by all her refined art of lying, she just was bequeathing to her child Yeshu or Jesus also indicates that this severe incident could not be kept secret. Pandera was not to punish since there was lack of evidence in favor of him. [xiii]

There were his words against those of hers. Moreover, the mother of the later “god” of liars and deceivers (Yeshu or Jesus) was extraordinary “credible” when alleging having mixed up the Panther with her fiancé. Here, the refined and sophisticated art of Christian lying starts, already. Don’t you still smell the stench of the Christians’ corpses – of their skeletons in their closets? A punished Pandera could have re-established the honor of the fiancé of Mary and of herself. However, that was impossible for the mentioned reasons. Mary gave birth to the ugly, ignoble and misshapen monster.

“Miriam (Mary) gave birth to a son and named him Yehoshua, after her brother. This name later deteriorated to Yeshu.”[xiv]

Mary, mother of ignoble Christians’ mug,
Never really knows,
While enjoying the blows,
If a rat, hyena or god is bumping her butt phut!

However, Mary’s fiancé Yohanan could not bear the disgrace of her adultery and escaped to Babylon [xv].
Origen and many other Christians think that the Jews mix up Babylon and Egypt. However, as Celsus reports Jesus came to Egypt as youth in order to earn as daily worker by reason of destitution. Possible it is a flight into Egypt (as well as to Babylon) due to the disgrace of the illegitimate child that was given to "grandpa" (Joseph) by his "grandchild" Mary. (In the next chapter we will investigate the age of both of that couple that will explain a lot of "enigmas“).

This does not contradict a later emigration of Jesus to Egypt again due to poverty. The Christians do not contradict the information given by Celsus that Jesus emigrated as youth to Egypt to make his livelihood as servant because of destitution and there learned all his sorcery in order to palm himself off as god on his fellow Jews later. The Christians prefer to darken and to conceal what the alleged “god” did between 12 and 30 years of age. The Christians keep silent almost for two millennia to say what else that guy should have done be
tween his age of 12 years and before starting preaching at the age of 30 years. It must be that embarrassing that they rather darkened and kept silent.

Everybody is interested what the life of a “god” looks like on earth. That was no life of a god but one of a real atheist because nobody can lift up himself to the god, who believes in god… Nobody believes in the God that lifts up one of his fellows to the “god”. Consequently, Ben-Pandera is atheist and Christianity atheism (in disguise of a religion). Furthermore, if the Christians conceal something they always do it for the advantage of their homemade god or golden calf and of their own. The Christians are eager for knowing each minutia of Jesus so far it matches their deceit of lifting up their instigator to the “god”... And so far one debunks him as man’s deceiver they conceal, darken, keep silent and threaten others – and if political power is sufficient – they even commit character assassinations, ruin the lives of those telling the truths, unless those faking “martyrs of the truths” even murder them...

Do you really doubt that Christian sects are organized crimes? What else is a Mafia doing? Oh yes, they have “morals”. However, they are the same as honor among thieves and rogues. During the crusades, the Christians slaughtered not only men and women but also infants like they impute to Herode having done so. Who really doubts that there is no honor among thieves and terrorists?

Also with respect to this escape of Joseph, the “Toledoth” is beyond comparison more reliable and truthful than the fooling gospels of the Christians’ barbarism. The then as very shameful reputed adultery is the true background of the couple’s getaway to Babylon with her child.

Eight days after his birth, Yeshu (Jesus) became circumcised.[xvi]

The Christian gospels only mentioned that circumcision was scheduled eight days after birth. They do not mention the circumcision directly, because otherwise they indirectly would admit that no “god” was born that was in need of such a "performance"... There is no reason for assuming that Jesus was not circumcised but the need of Christian fooling. The Jewish tradition explains desperado Yeshu (Jesus) by his father (Pandera) who had been already a barbarian. Megalomaniac Yeshu (Jesus), for example, did not prepare to cover his head according to the Jewish customs.

Anyway, that megalomaniac instigator (Jesus) still did not acknowledge the authority of Moses, who passed the Ten Commandments to Jewish people. Ben-Pandera (son of Pandera) always had an excuse never to care about laws and customs. [xvii] His attempt at usurping the Jewish crown ("King of the Jews") debunked him as quite an ordinary desperado.

Then “Toledoth“ elucidates Yeshu’s (Jesus’) behavior like a barbarian by his whorish offspring and his descent from lecher Joseph Pandera, i.e., fathered by a barbarian and mothered by a whore [xviii]. Jewish reports on Ben-Pandera’s attempt at degrading Moses the greatest Jewish one are too genuine as to be fabricated out of thin air. The megalomaniac one had recognized that he only could outdo the other (Jewish) prophets by feigning to be “god” and thus depending on nothing but on himself like the almighty one.

In the historiography of Josephus Flavius was another early Jewish report about the Christian instigator. However, the Christian terrorists could not bear the truth about their “god”. So, they even forged Flavius from the very outset and again and again? Why? Because liars cannot bear the truths and are afraid of them! So, we do not know what Flavius really wrote. We only know what the Christian dregs of humankind wanted him to write.

Query: Well, what can brain and reason achieve against Christian brainwashing?

Already Origen had a falsified edition of Josephus report.[xix] Why? Answer: Because truths are unbearable to those desperadoes! “The request” -- presented in person by “Lord Catamite“ the barbarians’ and idiots’ god –

“’ don't lead us into temptation’ means in fact: Do not let me know who I am”

(German philosopher Schopenhauer).[xx]

Here, the author confines himself to the matters of the "(Cribbed) Star of Bethlehem" and to the thus connected tales of the birth of the impostor, whom the Christians lifted up to their “god”. The theft of the Christian thieves from Mithraism is much farther reaching than „only “ up to the star of Bethlehem, the date of the Christmas celebration and the tale of the „redeemer“. It extends to the minutiae like the meaning to the pope as "Pontifex Maximus" (Supreme bridge builder) etc. One can call Christian barbarism, especially Catholic sect, a stolen Mithraism with Jesus (Pandera aka "Christ") as their golden calf.

Summary of this chapter:
All those lies, deceits and the Christians’ atrocities always happen if man's deceiver is worshiped as the “god”.

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Registrato: 2 anni fa
Post: 2635

Hans Henning Atrott, also called: Hans Atrott, was born 12 January 1944 in Memel, East Prussia (now Klaipéda, Lithuania). He studied philosophy, political science and sociology (of medicine) at Munich University. Atrott is the founder and first president of the German society for voluntary euthanasia (D.G.H.S.) and former secretary (executive director) of the "World Federation of Right to Die Societies". He introduced living wills ("Patientenverfügungen") in Germany and was the first to promote voluntary euthanasia after World War II within Germany. Since 1978 he has been married to Anita Atrott (born March 7, 1958). He is a father and grandfather. In 2009, he self-published his theories in his book "Jesus' Bluff - The universal Scandal of the World (M. Magnes)".[1]

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Registrato: 2 anni fa
Post: 2528

Cacchio è 'sta roba? La classica filosofia sponsorizzata del NWO?

Famed Member
Registrato: 2 anni fa
Post: 2635

Cacchio è 'sta roba? La classica filosofia sponsorizzata del NWO?

Ah noo?? c'è chi non se ne rende conto....

Famed Member
Registrato: 2 anni fa
Post: 2528

Cacchio è 'sta roba? La classica filosofia sponsorizzata del NWO?

Ah noo?? c'è chi non se ne rende conto....

Nn ma sinceramente nn riesco a capire, google mi traduce molto male....
