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Bush Agrees to War on Iran

Illustrious Member
Registrato: 2 anni fa
Post: 30947
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As the global economic collapse moves into mid-phase two events have largely escaped the public's attention.

The first event: The Telegraph (of London) reported on the 12th of September that the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) nuclear experts now believe that 50 to 60 tons of uranium have "gone missing" from the Iranian uranium enrichment plant at Isfahan. The uranium removed was in gas form ~ UF6. This is sufficient, if enriched to weapons grade level, to produce five to six atom bombs.

The second event: The United States has agreed to sell to Israel 1,000 of the very advanced bunker buster GBU-39 bombs. This is a major development as the Bush Administration had denied previous recent Israeli requests for large numbers of this weapon system. The GBU-39 has a stand off range of 110 km and uses pop-out wings with extremely accurate fire and forget technology. It is capable of penetrating 90 cm of streel reinforced concrete.

The combination of these two events indicates that the Isreali Government has succeeded in its request that America allow it to attack Iranian nuclear facilities. The large amount of "missing UF6" was the fianl straw that allowed Israeli war leaders to convince Bush to 'green light' the coming Middle Eastern War with Iran, Syria and Lebanon. The GBU-39s will be used extensively in attacks on Iranian targets, as well as on Syrian and Hezbollah high value targets in both Syria and Lebanon.



Qualcuno ha verifiche/smentite da altre fonti al riguardo?

Estimable Member
Registrato: 2 anni fa
Post: 100

Già pubblicata qu

Per brevità copio incollo:

Mille bombe anti bunker, le cosiddette bunker buster sviluppate dall'esercito Usa durante la caccia a Bin Laden sui monti dell'Afghanistan, stanno per essere consegnate a Israele. Nelle scorse settimane a più riprese Washington si era opposta alla vendita di questo tipo di ordigni a Israele, nel timore che potessero essere usate per compiere un attacco contro le centrali nucleari iraniane. Oggi giunge la smentita e la conferma della vendita, che potrebbe essere intesa come una concreta minaccia dal regime di Teheran.

october surprise??? 😈 [url=http://[/url]]

Estimable Member
Registrato: 2 anni fa
Post: 100

Estimable Member
Registrato: 2 anni fa
Post: 216

La "sicurezza" del Golfo Persico, compito finora assolto dalla marina militare iraniana, da lunedi è passato INTERAMENTE ED AUTONOMAMENTE ai PASDARAN DELLA RIVOLUZIONE ISLAMICA.

I Pasdaran hanno già avvertito gli States che nel caso di qualsiasi attacco all'Iran, lo stretto di Hormoz sarà chiuso.
