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In Negev un genocidio culturale di un popolo

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Registrato: 2 anni fa
Post: 229
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Espropri, deportazioni e costruzione di "riserve", piccole, infertili e sotto legge marziale. Non vengono considerati nè palestinesi nè israeliani: sono i beduini del Negev

"We should transform the Bedouin into an urban proletariat [..] without coercion but with governmental direction this phenomenon of the Bedouins will disappear in two generations" (Haaretz)

Gli "arabi del Negev" non sono di pura etnia araba, sono un mix, molti sono slavi europei discendenti degli schiavi dell'impero bizantino e dell'impero ottomano dislocati qui e convertiti all'Islam.
Vivono di pastorizia e data la scarsità d'acqua devono spostarsi vivendo un'esistenza di nomadismo.

Molti vennero espulsi da Israele nel 1948:

"Of the approximately 70,000 that lived in the area before the war about 11,000-18,000 remained. The lands of the displaced Bedouin were nationalized and the area was declared a military area, banning the Bedouin from entering. From the Israeli government's point of view, these lands served as an attractive reserve on which to settle many hundreds of thousands of Jews.

[Bedouins] were relocated in a small infertile region called Siyagh (=permitted area)"

As a consequence of losing access to their lands, many Bedouin men sought work on Jewish farms. However, preference was given to Jewish labor. [Israel] promised Bedouin services in exchange for the renunciation of their ancestral land. A change in lifestyle is accompanied by many different problems: a rise of poverty, crime, unemployment. The crime rate in the Bedouin sector in the Negev is among the highest in the country. The Bedouin comprise the youngest population in Israeli society
