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i 'ribelli' svendono la Banca Commerciale di Libia al Qatar

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Post: 1519
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NTC’s rats undersold Libya’s Bank of Commerce to Qatar – I ratti svendono la Banca Commerciale Libica al Qatar (ENG-ITA)
Posted on April 20, 2012 by ryuzakero | 1 Comment


Tripoli, 15 April:

Libya’s Bank of Commerce and Development (BCD) has agreed to undersell a 49 percent stake in itself to the Qatar National Bank (QNB) for an undisclosed amount (because it was an undersold). The decision was made by BCD shareholders at an extraordinary general meeting held in Benghazi yesterday.

Qatar National Bank (QNB) was established in 1964 as the country’s first Qatari-owned commercial bank. It has an ownership structure split between the Qatar Investment Authority (50%) and the private sector (50%).



Tripoli, 15 Aprile

La Banca Libica di Commercio e Sviluppo (BCD) ha accettato di svendersi per il 49% delle sue quote alla National Bank Qatar (QNB) per un importo non divulgabile (in quanto si tratta appunto di una svendita). La decisione è stata presa dagli azionisti in una riunione straordinaria del BCD tenutasi ieri a Bengasi.

La Qatar National Bank (QNB) è stata fondata nel 1964 come prima banca commerciale di proprietà del Qatar. Ha una struttura di proprietà divisa tra il Qatar Investment Authority (50%) e il settore privato (50%).


Posted by Ryuzakero, 19 April 2012.

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