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Sparatoria in Piazza Colonna: una finzione televisiva

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Illustrious Member
Registrato: 2 anni fa
Post: 16537

mi meraviglia chi nota certi anniversari ma ne dimentica altri:

Oggi, 28 aprile 2013 ricorre l’anniversario della morte di Benito Mussolini e della sua concubina Claretta Petacci.

Ricordiamo inoltre che il 28 era domenica e non si hanno ricordi che un governo giuri di domenica. Da qui nascono diverse considerazioni: l'impatto mediatico era al massimo proprio perchè di domenica a mezzogiorno quando tutti sono seduti a tavola con la televione accesa, piuttosto che lunedi quando la gente lavora. Non era tanto urgente giurare di domenica.

Estimable Member
Registrato: 2 anni fa
Post: 149

Non solo, Roz. Se togli una i ("i" per "Illuminati"?) diventa Preti, il che potrebbe far pensare a un intreccio con le trame vaticane. Non dimentichiamo che proprio il 28 aprile su tutti i giornali sono usciti articoli clamorosi sul caso Orlandi, ad es. questo:

tutte coincidenze? eh? eh? o forse un avvertimento d'Oltretevere?

Illustrious Member
Registrato: 2 anni fa
Post: 30947

Non solo, Roz. Se togli una i ("i" per "Illuminati"?) diventa Preti, il che potrebbe far pensare a un intreccio con le trame vaticane. Non dimentichiamo che proprio il 28 aprile su tutti i giornali sono usciti articoli clamorosi sul caso Orlandi, ad es. questo:

tutte coincidenze? eh? eh? o forse un avvertimento d'Oltretevere?

😯 😯 😯


Illustrious Member
Registrato: 2 anni fa
Post: 16537

Dilettanti professionisti.

dilettanti in...erba

Famed Member
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Post: 2925
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Altri indizi.

Costei ha saltato due anni di post ed ha scritto solo a metà aprile 2013 (un solo post con una foto). Non c'è traccia della scomparsa di sua madre. La prima cosa che si fa, in certi casi, è cercare di metabolizzare il proprio dolore condividendolo con altri. Eppure di questo grave evento non v'è traccia.

Nella conferenza stampa sicuramente mentiva. Gli occhi puntavano a destra ed il volto contraddiceva le cose che diceva, leggendo.

Comincio a pensare che la sua identità e quella del padre sia quasi interamente costruite ad arte.
Attentato davanti a Palazzo Chigi: un false flag all'italiana

Il profilo di Giuseppe Giangrande

La giornalista conduttrice al TG2: "Il governo si è appena insediato con pieni poteri di sparatoria". Un lapsus freudiano di grande importanza.

Se per qualche motivo non riusciste a visionare i filmati in esame, è possibile accedere alla seguente pagina, nella quale i tre video sono riuniti assieme.

Attentato davanti a Palazzo Chigi: un false flag all'italiana

Famed Member
Registrato: 2 anni fa
Post: 2925
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La ferita finta.

Si noti la smorfia concomitante con la parola "orgoglio": un'infarinatura di programmazione neuro-linguistica rivela che Martina Giangrande sta mentendo. Si osservi anche il movimento degli occhi verso la sua destra.

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Post: 2925
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Quando sei pronta...

Una recita scolastica è più credibile.

Famed Member
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Post: 2925
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Un'operazione della Gladio?

This report is based on research conducted in Italy by Travis Bickle (and contributed to Essential Intelligence), regarding the recent shooting in Italy when the new government was swearing-in. This comprehensive examination of a false flag provocation is served to the readers as a detective report describing step by step the chain of events: what, when, who, where, how and why it happened, followed by the conclusions.


Oddly, there is nothing on wikipedia about the shooting that took place at Palazzo Chigi. This is very suspicious, as we know that wikipedia, as far as politics, is totally under the control of secret services. It seems as though they are meaning to discourage anyone from investigating/reasoning on the matter and giving their own version of the event. Given that the names of the shooter, Preiti, and the names of his 3 alleged victims do not appear at all on wikipedia, I will try to piece together the summary of this event from various online newspapers:

On April 28th, 2013, at 11:34 CET, in Piazza Colonna, in front of the official residence of the Prime Minister of Italy, Luigi Preiti fired six shots, that hit 2 carabinieri (Giuseppe Giangrande and Francesco Negri) and a pregnant woman (Marina Stolfi).

Existing conspiracy theories on this event can be found here:
Un false flag all'amatriciana?
Attentato Roma, i conti non tornano
best post on all the doubts and inconsistencies


April 28th, 11:34 CET, exactly as the new government was swearing-in with President Napolitano :

Historic transition for the Italian democracy:
History of the Italian Republic

The shooting took place on the day the Italian democracy shifted from a political competition of a bipolar type, which was the case between 1994 and 2013, with the center-left fighting the center-right and Berlusconi, characterized by 2 opposed coalitions that compete to conquer the voters in the middle, to a phase of alliance between the parties in the center, former competitors, and a resulting exclusion of the parties at the extremes, that are pushed towards even more radical positions. During the preceding period, from 1946 to 1989, there was a similar pattern of alliances in the center, which excluded the right and the left from the national government.

We come from centripetal dynamics, where the extremes are encouraged to converge to the center, and we go towards a centrifugal situation where the center is always in power and rejects those at the extremes.

The precedent of the Italian "strategy of tension" (false flag terrorism) :
Strategy of tension in Italy

During the 1970s and 1980s, Italy witnessed the "strategy of tension", implemented by elements within the government (as today in the US), with the aim to exclude from the government and politically delegitimize the extreme right and extreme left, by blaming them for terrorist acts they didn't commit or encouraging them to commit those acts. In the present situation, with Grillo's Five Star Movement having received 25% of the votes, many suspect that this strategy is being implemented at their expense. At least as far as the behavior by the mass media relative to this shooting, this seems to be a plausible hypothesis (even if the attack weren't a false flag).

Another big element of suspicion: the two Lettas

Enrico Letta is the new prime minister, being sworn-in as the shots were fired. The outcome of these last February 2013 elections does not legitimize him at all, because the candidate was Bersani, opposed to the center-right candidate, Berlusconi. Letta was merely the deputy secretary of Bersani's party, Partito Democratico. Everyone knows that Letta would never have been voted, had he been the candidate. Enrico Letta is also a Bilderberg attendee, Trilateral and Aspen member, and the nephew of Gianni Letta.

Enrico Letta :
On 8 May 2008 Letta returned the position of secretary to the presidency of the council his uncle Gianni Letta due to the fall of the Prodi II cabinet and the subsequent election as president of the council of Silvio Berlusconi. Letta is a member of the European committee of the Trilateral Commission[14] and of the executive committee of the Aspen Institute Italia.

Gianni Letta :
He is the uncle of Enrico Letta, the Prime Minister from the centre-left PD. Part of Letta's duties for Berlusconi include co-ordinating the Italian government's activities with the Holy See.

It is widely rumored by the press that the recently re-elected president of Italy, Giorgio Napolitano, was part of an effort by Gianni Letta to have his nephew sworn-in as Prime Minister,
and all these meetings and secret negotiations for the making of the new president of Italy and new prime minister (very related) were even held at either of these Letta's apartments. The two Lettas are enthusiastic fans of Giulio Andreotti, who was proven to have made deals with the mafia and ruled Italy for decades (cfr. strategy of tension) [Involvement in other judicial affairs].

In other words, it seems that Enrico Letta, rather than the shooter, had the biggest motives for something like this to happen. It was a perfect timing for him. Especially, because the only remaining opposition (after PD and Berlusconi's PDL joining forces in support of Letta), Grillo Five Star Movement, is now accused by the press of having caused the anti-politics feelings in the country, and so they're not going to be as efficient in pointing out who Enrico Letta really is and what he stands for.


Shooter and related

Luigi Preiti - Alleged shooter
Mauro Danielli - Legal aid.
Arcangelo Preiti - brother.
former wife
11 year-old son
piazza pulita
(very balanced person, very relaxed, great pool player ("...and, to be good at pool, you need to think clear", minute 27:15))

Description of shooter by media: [link]

unemployed, construction worker, separated three years ago 11 year-old son living with his mother moved back with his parents in the town of Rosarno (southern Italy) where he is said to have been gambling a lot of money at video poker machines of local bars.

Victims and related

Giuseppe Giangrande - the victim with the most serious injuries (Brigadiere , Sesto battaglione carabinieri Toscana).
Martina Giangrande - daughter
Ciro Giangrande - brother of Giuseppe Giangrande

Francesco Negri - only minor injury in the calf (Unit: Sesto battaglione carabinieri Toscana)
Marina Stolfi - pregnant lady, just hit in the arm from shrapnel from one of the bullets (?)


Location of swearing in of new government (same time as shooting):
link google maps

Location of alleged shooting:
link google maps

(Link to photo source)


Weapon : Beretta 70 Series 8-round box .

Beretta calibre 7.65 bought illegally "4 years ago", not licensed to carry it
6 shots fired, according to most sources, but some mention 7 shots and others even 8 shots.

Links to different descriptions of the shots :
"6 colpi"
"7 colpi"
"8 colpi"


His version: [link]
"doesn't seem to remember what happened"

Why this perfect timing? [minute 52]
His confession is not convincing, not even for the sell out journalists [link] .

He claims that he planned everything carefully and it does seem so, including the perfect timing, but then why did he shoot two cops instead of a politician whic
h was his initial objective Given that in Italy it is so easy to find politicians in the street near rome, cfr this recent video of Franceschini, who just became minister with the new government: [link], [Link 2]

What is the probability that I shoot at cops six times and nobody gets seriously hurt?
Going to Palazzo Chigi to shoot at cops is a suicide attempt and he doesn't seem suicidal at all.
What is the probability that I go to palazzo chigi, shoot six times at cops, and get out of it unscathed? What is the probability that cops see a man shooting at them and do not shoot back but grab him instead? [Link]

The bomber: "I was aiming to politicians"

They say there's at least six cameras that display what happened that day on that square: why aren't they showing the videos? With all the people shooting videos at that moment, there isn't a single video showing what happened. This is the closest video to it: [Link]
(15.05 – Attimi sparatoria ripresi da telecamere a circuito chiuso di Palazzo Chigi - Le telecamere di sorveglianza disposte sulla piazza davanti palazzo Chigi hanno ripreso le scene drammatiche del ferimento dei due carabinieri da parte di Luigi Preite e le immagini sono ora al vaglio degli inquirenti. Passo normale, sguardo dritto davanti a sè, mani in tasca: così Luigi Preiti è arrivato davanti a palazzo Chigi, dove ha sparato a due carabinieri. La dinamica della sparatoria è stata ripresa da almeno tre telecamere di sicurezza montate all’esterno di palazzo Chigi e di Montecitorio.)

Yet this is all we get to see, from the journalists: [Youmedia link]


He could have been either of these:

1. MK-Ultra and he did shoot real bullets and the carabinieri weren't aware
2. he was paid to shoot blanks and the carabinieri there were aware and no one was hurt
3. he was paid to shoot real bullets and the carabinieri of course weren't aware
4. he was really acting alone and that he wanted to commit suicide and die as a hero (in his eyes)

Overall, the most suspicious things are:
1. the perfect timing, very useful for the new government (emergency, so let's all support the new government, like on 911)
2. how it's been used by the media (to gang up on Grillo's movement, which is threatening the long established parties).
3. the fact that his will to die is not grounded in his regular life, nor according to what his relatives and friends are saying.
In many ways it reminds of all the false flags that took place in the US.

Overall, the least suspicious things are:
The most reassuring thing, speaking against a false flag, is all the relatives involved, the doctors curing the two cops (carabinieri). None of these seems to be acting (unlike what we've seen for sandy hook, 911 and similar).

Editor's Note:

Once the dots are connected properly it seems like another Gladio operation of the kind carried out in Italy in the past , as described in some details by this Wikipedia entry . If Travis's assumption that the powers that be want to incriminate Goldman Sachs asset Beppe Grillo is correct, we can assume that another Banking faction was behind the event (perhaps one that favors the maintenance of the Eurozone), or alternately that it was a warm-welcome for the new prime minister not to forget to sabotage the austerity reforms, because Anglo-American banksters want to ruin the EU altogether.

We would like to thank Travis for his contribution.
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Posted 1 hour ago by Essential Intelligence

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Has Gladio struck again in Italy ?
Gladio: European false flag terrorism

sponsored by NATO

This report is based on research conducted in Italy by Travis Bickle (and contributed to Essential Intelligence), regarding the recent shooting in Italy when the new government was swearing-in. This comprehensive examination of a false flag provocation is served to the readers as a detective report describing step by step the chain of events: what, when, who, where, how and why it happened, followed by the conclusions.


Oddly, there is nothing on wikipedia about the shooting that took place at Palazzo Chigi. This is very suspicious, as we know that wikipedia, as far as politics, is totally under the control of secret services.
No-Flag terrorizing events
This article concerns several highly-celebrated terrorizing events of late, from the approach of their combined effect on the geo-political stage.

Written by Scaliger

No-Flag events in Boston and the Middle-East

The Boston event seems by now to have been an explicit trial of the 'no-flag attack' notion, which was proposed by us last year for describing the botched attack at the 'USS Liberty'. A 'no-flag attack' is one which lacks a claimed cause or narrative.

Famed Member
Registrato: 2 anni fa
Post: 2925

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Scrive un lettore:

scusate ma a nessuno incuriosisce che il carabiniere era amico di Agliana, quello dell'Iraq ?
Che era stato lui la sua scorta fino a Prato ?

Sulla dinamica posso anche essere d'accordo sui molti rilievi di Rickard, ma che il piastrellista fosse si fosse sposato uno dei 32 Dan in Italia (se vero il post precedente) e il carabiniere amico di uno dei 4 "mercenari" italiani del quale non si è mai capita bene la vicenda ..........con morto annesso di cui non abbiamo mai visto il video perché troppo cruento.......

Caspita che coincidenze !
c'è un video della trasmissione in diretta assolutamente incredibile con la cabina di regia e vari monitor che mostrano le immagini a diversi minuti del video!!!
False Flag

edit: con fermi immagini che ripartono dallo stesso punto!
e l'orologio del carabiniere che va INDIETRO di 12 minuti!
può sembrare una cazzata ma non lo è, un carabiniere impegnato in attività così importanti non dovrebbe sapere l'ora giusta?
a meno che quella non fosse proprio l'ora giusta e infatti tutti i testimoni dicono che erano le 11,30.
ma le dirette televisive sono delle 11,40!!!

Famed Member
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Post: 2925

Famed Member
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Scrive un lettore.

Un particolare che taglia la testa al toro non è stato menzionato. Quando esce dall'ospedale, penso il giorno dopo, è vestito completamente diverso dal giorno prima, se ingrandite la foto ha addirittura delle altre scarpe o ciabatte ospedaliere e si porta dietro un piumino invernale mentre lo sbirro giovane è in maglietta.

La domanda ingenua che pongo è la seguente: perchè si è cambiato??? Oppure, chi diavolo gli ha portato gentilmente il cambio abiti???
Per un simile reato ti fanno tornare prima in albergo, ti prendono anche il cambio scarpe ( ne aveva 2, era in vacanza???) ti ridanno il piumino ( il piumino??? Era così freddo???)
Ti danno la felpina e invece lo splendido abito da sera MAN IN BLACK lo lasciano in ospedale???

La domanda è: PERCHE' diavolo lo fanno cambiare, scarpe comprese??? Si merita tanto accudimento un presunto terrorista che solitamente sbattono in cella senza troppi fronzoli??? Uno sbirro ha portato nuovi abiti??? E i vecchi??? Donati all'arma???

RICAPITOLIAMO: Un tizio vestito da matrimonio spara ad un agente, l'altro non si è mai visto, la donna incinta si è smaterializzata, davanti a Palazzo Chigi, e il giorno dopo gli portano il cambio abiti e sparisce nel nula. E le tante telecamere piazzate intorno??? perchè non le consultano???
NON SAPEVO che ci fosse questo trattamento di lusso, per poveri spacciatori capitati un giorno in carcere, non è previsto questo EXTRA...
E poi, se anche gentilmente un agente gli avesse dato abiti presi dal suo albergo, che cazzo di fine hanno fatto gli altri...
E soprattuto, dove cazzo va con quel piumino e con le scarpette bianche???

PS: PARTICOLARE delirante, che mi tengo per me, ma lo dico lo stesso... 🙂
Se guardiamo attentamente la foto-composizione, notiamo che effettivamente sembran proprio la stessa persona, ma il naso di quello a terra è leggermente alla francese "più alto" e nella punta è leggermente a patata, nella foto dove esce dall'ospedale ha il naso all'ingiù e diverso, i visi sono quasi identici,il naso assolutamente NO...

Ma questo particolare è irrilevante, bastano e avanzano quelli del tuo articolo e tanti altri più evidenti...
Secondo me il tizio è un CONTRACTOR...

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Registrato: 2 anni fa
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Un interesse particolare da parte del Comando Generale dei Carabinieri

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Post: 2925

Famed Member
Registrato: 2 anni fa
Post: 2925
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Has Gladio struck again in Italy?
This report is based on research conducted in Italy by Travis Bickle , edited by Brendan Hunt , regarding the recent shooting in Italy when the new government was swearing-in.

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