LENR+: 3a presentaz...
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LENR+: 3a presentazione di Parkhomov

Illustrious Member
Registrato: 2 anni fa
Post: 6373
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Il ruolo di Parkhomov, che nel suo frugale laboratorio moscovita sta replicando i risultati ottenuti da Rossi con il cosiddetto Hot-Cat e' importante in quanto mette i suoi risultati a disposizione della comunita' interessata. Cosa che non puo' fare Rossi, vincolato dal segreto industriale.

E' in quest'ottica che ogni esternazione di Parkhomov su come procedano i suoi esperimenti e' degna della massima attenzione. Notare, per chi non ci avesse ancora fatto caso, la semplicita' dell'aggeggio catalitico, poco piu' di un tubo, ma che va realizzato con cognizione di causa.

Suppongo che la traduzione dal russo sia di Peter Gluck, che ringrazio a nome di quelli che ignorano il russo


Parkhomov's 3rd paper, text
Parkhomov's Third Presentation

The complete presentation is at: https://yadi.sk/i/zTRxBwVofYmaE


Results of the long-time testing of the new variant of the analog of thermogenerator of Rossi

by Alexander Georgevich Parkhomov.

The experiments with the devices similar with Rossi's thermogenerator - about which I spoke at the previous seminars - have shown that the mixtures of nickel and aluminum hydride heated in a hermetically closed ceramic tube to temperatures over 1100 C effectively produce heat, significantly more than the used energy.

But the working time of these reactors is too short to produce measurable isotopic changes and also to show that the release of the excess heat is caused by cold nuclear transmutations.

For achieving longer continuous work durations we had to change much the construction of the reactor. First of we had to
Renounce to the calorimertry used based on the measurement of the quantity of evaporated water because it is difficult to ake all day addition of water.

The construction of the reactor for long time work.

The tube of the reactor aimed for long time work is 29 cm long and so only its central part is heated. Due to low thermal conductivity of the ceramic he ends of the tube are not very warm (at 1200 C in the center the ends are not warmer that 50C; this allows the use of epoxy adhesive for closing the tube.
For heating we have used resistor Х23Ю5Т (Kanthal A1)
That is working up to 1400 C.

The fuel mixture (640 mg Ni + 60 mg LiAlH4 is in a container of thin stainless steel. For displacing the air from the tube we have used ceramic filling/liners.
The manometer with a limit of measurement of 25 bars is connected with the reactor with a thin tube of stainless stel.

Reactor during testing

Heating of reactor to working temperature.
Measuring pressure during the heating process
The increase of pressure starts around 100 C. Maximum pressure of appr 5 bar was attained at 189C after this pressure starts to fall and at 900C is smaller than atmospheric. Greatest decrease ( 0.5 bar) at 1150 C then starts to increase slowly to atmospheric.

Heating reactor to working temperature

The temperature 0f 1200C at the surface of he working tube was attained in 12 hours of stepwise increase of power of the electrical heater up to 630W. After this the power necessary to maintain the temperature of 1200C decreases in 1 hour to 330W
The power of heating during almost 4 days till the burning out of the heater

For almost 3 days the power necessary to maintain the temperature of the reactor tube at 1200C was in the limits of 300-400W. Before the burning out, the power started to incresase and at burning out it was at 600W
The burning out was caused by stepwise oxidation of the resistor.

Working of the reactor with the new heater

The temperature of 1200C was maintained with using the power of heater of 500-700W.

The power necessary for maintaining the given temperature.

At temperatures over 700 C the reactor with fuel consumes less electrical energy than that necessary for the reactor with no fuel. This shows the presence of a heat source besides the electrical heater.
For heating to the temperature of 1200 C the power necessary for reactor with no fuel is 1100 W, for reactors with fuel first we need 650W and after an hour 300-330 W.
From this we can evaluate that the excess heat is 800W. The thermal coefficient COP is 1100/330= 3.3

But this is only a rough estimate not considering the differences between processes of thermo-generation with and without fuel.

When there is no internal heat source, the temperatures outside and inside are the same and the temperature measured with the thermocouple is equal with the temperature of the surface of the heater.

When the reactor works with fuel a thermal flux is started from inside to outside that leads to a temperature gradient. Therefore the temperature measured with the thermocouple is greater than the temperature of the surface of the heater.

At the temperature of 1200C in the proximity of the thermocouple the temperature of the surface of the heater is 1070 C. Thus so the reactor produces only the heat necessary without fuel to heat to 1070C that is 800W and not 1100.
The thermal coefficient is COP = 800/330 = 2.4.

Container with fuel after extraction of the tube of the reactor. Sided by ceramic inserts.

Fuel after extraction from the container.

Image of the used fuel at optical microscope.


1. The apparatus worked continuously for more than 3 days, producing more than twice as much as the applied electrical energy. 50 kWh or 18MJ were produced in excess of the electrical energy expended. This amount of energy could be obtained by burning 350g of petroleum products.

2. The reactor chamber pressure during slow burning was relatively low (in this experiment up to 5 bar)

3. The used fuel had the appearance of soft droplets of golden color mixed with grey powder.

4. The resultant used fuel mixture was sent for analysis of atomic and isotopic composition. But the results, unfortunately, have not yet been received.

Estimable Member
Registrato: 2 anni fa
Post: 121

Un interessantissimo articolo su di un argomento, quali le LENR, di cui Vic ci delizia periodicamente. Queste informazioni sono un po come delle primizie, come quelle dell'orto. Primizie raccolte da tutto il mondo...
Che dire ?
Credo sia ormai solo questione di tempo. L'avvento pratico di queste rivoluzionarie tecnologie, essenziali per avere energia pulita ed a costi bassissimi sembra essere ormai incontenibile, inarrestabile.
Speriamo che siano usate per la pace, lo sviluppo, la soluzione dei tanti problemi di questo povero mondo..... Non bisogna disperare mai.
