LENR: Axil dixit (c...
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LENR: Axil dixit (cont.)

Illustrious Member
Registrato: 2 anni fa
Post: 6373
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Axil, il commentatore bene informato di LENR, continua coi suoi ragionamenti, molto interessanti perche' collegano conoscenze passate e recenti, come la meccanica quantistica non-associativa, gli esperimenti di LeClair sulla cavitazione (*) e quelli di Holmlid su fenomeni di tipo LENR indotti da luce laser (**).

(*) vedi: https://nanospireinc.com/Fusion.html
(**) vedi: http://scitation.aip.org/content/aip/journal/adva/5/8/10.1063/1.4928572

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Axil answers - December, the 29th 2015
to my question regarding the Grimm paper of yesterday:
Quanta transfer in space is a constant

Science grows through explaining exceptions. For example, Newtonian physics explains most of the universe, but there are a few exceptions that it cannot explain: the orbit of Mercury and the bending of light through the influence of high mass is another. To explain these exceptions, the general theory of relativity is required.
Einstein was judged to be a kook until Max Planck took him under his wing and sponsored his ideas. Not until then did general relativity gain any traction in the science world.

LENR is another example of the exception to the rule.
Quantum mechanics works well for most things but there are a few things that it cannot handle. For example, what goes on inside the proton and neutron is not subject to the rules of quantum mechanics, so a new force was invented called the color force that handles this exception. The color force is the source of the strong interaction, or that the strong interaction is like a residual color force which extends beyond the proton or neutron to bind them together in a nucleus. The other exception that goes along with the color force is the fractional charge that quarks have.
There are also the strange cases that come up involving the fractional quantum Hall effect where magnetism produces balls of fractional charge that really surprised physics.

The color force is carried by gluons which makes it different from magnetism. But the quarks inside the protons are thought to be monopoles and they cannot be separated. But why is a quark different than a monopole which can be separated. This confinment is caused by superconductivity inside the proton or the neutron.

If we could produce a monopole that was inside a superconductor, then we would have something special. We would have quarks. This is the exception that quantum mechanics cannot handle. The color force, quarks, and superconducting monopoles are covered by non-associative quantum mechanics.

It just so happens that nano particles can produce a superconducting monopole. This is accomplished in Rydberg matter (+) which has been proven by Holmlid to be superconducting and subject to the Meissner effect (++).

The Rydberg matter that is produced in the LENR reaction is a carrier of the color force that keeps quark contained. This conjecture is proven true in the experiments of LeClair. The water particle is a water based Rydberg matter formed under the tremendous pressure and temperatures produced in the collapsing cavitation bubble. When this nanoparticle begins to eat through material no matter how hard, the particle is protected by destruction from nuclear level forces equal to that of a supernova by the quark based superconductive strengthen color force at the tip of the water crystal. The monopole shield is impenetrable and can withstand a supernova based explosion. When LeClair puts this extra force into the cavitation erosion equations, the equation becomes valid after a hundred years of failure.


(++) https://it.wikipedia.org/wiki/Effetto_Meissner-Ochsenfeld
