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LENR: opinione dalla Russia

Illustrious Member
Registrato: 2 anni fa
Post: 6373
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In Russia le LENR vengono chiamate con un altro acronimo: CNT (Cold Nuclear Transmutation), ovverossia trasmutazione nucleare fredda.

Questo ed altro si apprende dall'intervista che Peter Gluck ha avuto con Yuri N. Bazhutov, ricercatore in questo campo di nicchia da tempo.
In un suo articolo tradotto da Gluck, nello stesso post da cui ho ripreso l'intervista, si legge l'interpretazione russa sulla vicenda Rossi. Secondo i russi, gli USA (NASA, ecc.) hanno preso sotto le proprie ali Rossi, ma l'intento vero e' di impossessarsi in modo unilaterale della tecnologia per domani poter dominare il mercato mondiale.

Si legge pure che l'India ha deciso di andare a fondo sulla questione LENR.
Fosse solo l'India. La Cina non sta certo indietro, ne' la Corea del Sud. Ne' tantomeno il Giappone. Va da se', nemmeno gli USA.

Limitiamoci all'intervista, va, con un grazie a Peter per la traduzine dal russo.


Tuesday, January 13, 2015

Short Interview With Yu. N. Bazhutov

I had the privilege to ask a few preliminary questions from the leader of Russian LENR researchers Yuri Nikolaevich Bazhutov. They call the field Cold Nuclear Transmutation and I think this name is more realist than Cold Fusion.
Yuri Bazhutov is an '89-er cold fusionist (excuse me) a well known member or our community, a reputed author, 15 papers 1982 to 2014 in the LENR-CANR Library (*), organizer and participant at our meetings, CNT strategist, a personality..

It is encouraging to see and easy to observe.how closely and seriously are followed, discussed and theorized the developments in CNT/LENR in Russia What is the strategic thinking beyond this and the main targets?

After more, than 25 years of theoretical, experimental pilot studies in Cold Nuclear Transmutation in Russia we have arrived to a stage when we think about patents, demonstration devices, search for investors for realization of industrial devices. We are at a different, higher level now.

Your very personal opinion: how do you see the scientific aspects; how these new developments, can they be explained theoretically and what do you and your collaborators intend to do for the experimental part?

In essence is it new science or new application (s) of already known science?

As co-author of the Model of the Erzion Catalysis (MEC), I believe that it explains the nature of CNT. All my experiments made in 25 years confirm this model.
MEC is built on orthodox representations of the Physics of Elementary Particles including as the main part, Quantum Chronodynamics (QCD) and, therefore it is also the new Section of Nuclear Physics

The Lugano experiment despite its over-complicated thermometric calorimetry is a harbinger of a really wonderful/powerful energy source, MWhours from grams. Unfortunately, the Testers were shocked by the analytical results.
What do you think about those unexpected isotopic shifts and the dynamic processes that make these possible

Starting with the first experiments made by Rossi and Focardi up to the very Hot Cat tested in Lugano, MEC gives generally fine explanations and I have published about this in RCCNT&BL Proc., and in the Russian Inventing magazines (No. 1, 2012) and ISCMNS J. (No. 13, 2014). However I believe that our option of Russian E-cat on the basis of Plasma Electrolysis gives a much better perspective- heat generator at close realization still having a very high output specific power (MWhours from grams common water).

On December 25, 2014 at a CNT seminary-Alexander Parkhomov and you have presented an experiment confirming the Lugano experiment using a realistic-cut-the Gordian knot simple calorimetry inspired from your experience. A very positive event.
However, after more than 50 years in and around research i have learned the cruel 1=0 rule-1 single experiment can't generate absolute certainty. Nor Lugano, neither Parkhomov; so I ask - was the experiment repeated in house and when will the new report be published?

Parkhomov now works on lengthening of time of continuous work of a cell then to do atom spectroscopic and mass spectroscopic analyses of change of chemical structure and of the isotopic composition of fuel.

This was just a first discussion, I hope to continue.

(*) http://lenr-canr.org/wordpress/?page_id=1081

Estimable Member
Registrato: 2 anni fa
Post: 121

Vorrei esprimere il mio grazie a Vic per la costante opera di selezione di informazioni su questo tema (interessantissimo ed essenziale di certo per il ns futuro... ).
