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Faurisson attacked by Zionist paramilitaries in Italy


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Daniele Scalea

Faurisson attacked by Zionist paramilitaries in Italy

Claudio Moffa is a professor of Afro-Asian history and institutions at the Università degli Studi of Teramo (Italy). He organize a master's degree named after former ENI's manager Enrico Mattei and dedicated to Near and Middle East. This year master's lessons took also a taboo theme in European countries: mythologization of the so-called "Holocaust" (or "Shoah") and its exploitation by US and Israeli ruling classes for political and financial purposes. Level of master's lecturers and participants is high and their cultural background really various: among others, we could cite Moffa himself, Franco Cardini (famous historian), Massimo Fini (well-known journalist and philosopher), Tiberio Graziani (University of Perugia), Maurizio Blondet (journalist and essayist), Fabio Alberti (manager of a humanitarian NGO working in Iraq and Palestine), Vittorio Dan Segre (professor and former Israeli diplomat), Domenico Losurdo (philosophy professor), Israel Shamir (world-wide well-known reporter and essayist), Giulio Andreotti (former Italian premier), Samir al-Kassir (Syrian ambassador) and Abolfazl Zohrevand (Iranian ambassador). On the wave of master's great success and considering students' interest, Claudio Moffa also decided to invite Robert Faurisson, a controversial French professor who deny that Nazi persecution of Jews during the Second World War reached the quantitative and qualitative levels described by mainstream historiography. Following his studies, German leaders never ordered a genocide, homicidal gas chamber didn't exist and the number of Jewish victims is very lower than six millions. Because of his theories Faurisson was removed from his chair, deprived of pension, criminally prosecuted and subjected to some physical aggressions: nevertheless 78 years-old professor is still fighting for freedom of research in Europe. It's important to say that neither Faurisson nor Moffa have neo-Nazi affections: on the contrary, Claudio Moffa during his youth was active in a far leftist organization.
Invitation of Faurisson caused a lot of complained by Zionist movements and individuals, which yet had seen "Enrico Mattei" master's program as "unfriendly" towards Israel. A number of Jewish personalities have signed a petition against freedom of speech (which they defined "a misunderstanding"), writing that nobody researching about "Holocaust" could go beyond some "unquestionable facts" (which obviously must be decided by the same petitioners!) and asking academic and political authorities to ban the event. Professor Moffa defended his initiative promoting a counter-petition in favour of freedom of speech, opinion and research (undersigned by hundreds of academicians, students, journalists and common people) and publicly inviting some of the critics to a cross-examination of Faurisson's lecture (but they all have refused). Italian mainstream media, especially two Italian newspapers (post-communist "L'Unità" and "la Repubblica", the latter owned by a Jewish billionaire), began a denigrative campaign against professors Moffa and Faurisson; moreover, some extremist Zionist organizations, such as the Simon Wiesenthal Centre, publicly asked the University of Teramo to forbid Faurisson's lecture. Just a few days before the event, in front of Moffa's refusal of cancel the lecture, University's Chancellor decided to close all buildings and rooms connected to Political Science Department. Even the Italian minister of university and research Fabio Mussi took side against Faurisson's lecture, but Claudio Moffa courageously didn't surrender and moved the event into a hotel in Teramo.

May 18th, professor Faurisson arrived at Teramo and, before the lecture, he gave a press conference in front of the hotel. But, just a few minutes after the end of the press conference, a small group of Zionist hooligans tried to attack the elderly French researcher, saved by the promptly reaction of professor Moffa and other onlookers. After that, Zionist riff-raff engaged in a brawl with some onlookers and policemen, injuring vice-chief constable Gennaro Capasso (a clavicle's fracture for him). Teramo's Chief Constable, rather than defend some quiet citizens from just 50 criminals, obliged Moffa and Faurisson to cancel the lecture and leave the county under escort.
But who were the attackers? They are some middle-aged Jews from Rome, members of the Lega Ebraica di Difesa ("Jewish Defense League"), Italian branch of the US J.D.L. founded by rabbi Mehir Kahane. That organization supply paramilitary training to his members (who are all volunteers in Tsahal, the Israeli army) and "guard" Jewish areas in Rome. LED actions are not only "defensive": often they physically attacked persons whose only "fault" is to have criticized Israeli politics. For example, in 1992 LED paramilitaries (armed with iron bars and revolvers) assaulted the office of a small right-wing political party, the Movimento Politico, literally destroying both office and party. In 1995 LED members attacked supporters of a Jesi basketball team who had insulted a Jewish player. In 1996, after absolution of an elderly former SS officer, Jewish paramilitaries surrounded the Military Tribunal of Rome, taking in hostage judges and attorneys until Italian Minister of Justice, with an unconstitutional decision, cancelled tribunal's sentence and ordered to re-arrested the accused. From 2002, LED has being responsible for a number of aggressions against leftist pro-Palestine militants. All those crimes remained unpunished. LED is not isolated among Italian Jews: Riccardo Pacifici, alleged leader of LED, is vice-president of Rome's Jewish community. The day after aggression, interviewed by an Italian newspaper, he not only refused to condemn the violence but also asked for removal of professor Moffa from his chair. In response, Claudio Moffa has just started to organize the next year master's program. Moreover, it has been constituted a "Committee Against Repression of Freedom of Speech and Thinking" which is promoting a new appeal (see appendix).

Daniele Scalea

Refences: Site of the Master "Enrico Mattei per il Medio Oriente"
Dagoberto Husayn Bellucci, La Jewish Defense League, "Rinascita", 28 giugno 2006
Maurizio Blondet, C'è uno squadrismo kosher, "Effedieffe Giornale Online", 21 maggio 2007
Giuseppe Caporale, Proteste e schiaffi per Faurisson, "la Repubblica", 19 maggio 2007
(Editorial), Il giorno di Faurisson: scontri, disordini, insulti, feriti, "", 19 maggio 2007
Ellezeta, Faurisson e Moffa aggrediti da ebrei venuti da Roma, "", 19 maggio 2007


Appeal “The Denied Speech”

Friday 18th May in Teramo professor Robert Faurisson, who in before had been prevented to give a lecture inside University where he had been invited by professor Claudio Moffa, has been attacked in the city-centre by a group of thugs. Regardless of professor Faurisson’s thesis it’s inconceivable that a group of people, using aggression and threat, can prevent someone else to enjoy the right of speech sanctioned by Constitution and Universal Declaration of Human Rights, as inconceivable are pressures exerted on University Minister to obtain the “expulsion” of professor Claudio Moffa from Teramo University.
If you agree with all that actions, do not sign. But if, even without knowing or sharing views of the so-called “negationists”, you think that anyone mustn’t be prosecuted or put in jail or violently prevented from speech for his or her opinions - regardless of what they are - if you still believe to
article 21 and article 33 of Italian Constitution and to the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, if you think that it’s unfair asking for expulse from University a professor who, what’s more, has never systematically studied “negationist” problematics; so subscribe this declaration.
Perhaps it’s a courageous sign, surely a gesture of courtesy and political intelligence: only who talk nonsense favouring own (presumed) political “purity” - the side of membership that mustn’t be “contaminated” with the opposite side - cannot understand, for a deficiency of discernment, that the imminent risk for every Italian and European citizens of any political belief is a general gagging and the creation of an horrific totalitarian system which, for its dimension and its hypocritical image of “democracy”, is without precedent in history. Let’s sign against mass-media of the one think, against bounding laws that drag through the mud and destroy Europe of bourgeois and socialist liberties, against gagging of teaching (at any level), against every fundamentalisms, against idiocy and seedy opportunism spreading both on the Right and the Left among political and intellectual classes.
Long live to freedom!

Italian Committee Against Repression of Freedom of Speech and Thinking

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