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LENR-Cities 2015


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LENR-Cities e' un'iniziativa che intende mettere attorno allo stesso tavolo di discussione tre attori: gli scienziati, gli industriali, gli investitori.

L'intento e' di dar forma ad un sitema ecologico (dicono loro) attorno allo sviluppo delle LENR.

La prima conferenza LENR-Cities ha luogo ad Oxford, in Inghilterra, dal 10 all'11 gennaio 2015.

I temi presentati sono elencati qui:

La seconda conferenza, ha luogo in Italia, nel mese di febbraio 2015.
Qui la pagina di presentazione del concetto LENR-Cities Enterprise:

Dunque nel 2015 l'Italia sara' al centro dell'attenzione per via delle LENR, ricordo che avra' luogo a Padova la 19a conferenza mondiale sul tema ICCF-19. Andrea Rossi non sara' presente perche' impegnato negli USA.

Qui in Europa la piu' grande compagnia elettrica della Svezia ha annunciato di volersi impegnare a fondo nel campo delle LENR.

Se son rose fioriranno.

Peter Gluck nel suo blog ha strappato un'intervista al CEO di LENR-Cities, in particolare lo ha interpellato sull'evento in Italia.

L'intervista e' tratta da:

Michel Vanderberghe, CEO of LENR Cities has answered to one 'naturaL' FAQ-like question regarding this Italian event:

LENR-Cities has no connection with Rossi. LENR-Cities is a pure player in ecosystem development, with a focus on developing an European-centric LENR ecosystem, open to any scientist who is willing to join in order to develop his own activity.

What seems to be strange for many people is that we are talking about an ecosystem, concretely about a kind of 'market sandbox', a tool to make the market. The reason is simple: scientists, industrialists and investors need to have mutual self interest to make things happen. We think that Innovators and players in place must find a win-win deal. What we are doing is to operationalize a business model to implement this deal.

and, very astute, significant and complex what Michel also says:

Sometimes people ask me what I'm thinking about Rossi. What is really interesting to me is the market and Rossi's story. This shows that if LENR scientific challenge is huge, it is nothing compared to the market challenge.

If you explore LENR Cities website, you will learn that the organization has opted for an extended, "largo sensu" understanding and approach to LENR-energy and beyond. I risked already from ancient times (1995, more precisely) to think that N is the letter with the most perishable sense from our basic acronym and many new facts and ideas converge to suggest: "nuclear but less nuclear than thought and not only nuclear energy". LENR Cities has a rather pragmatical reason to change the sense of that endangered letter N:

I'm not a scientist and consequently, I need to keep things simple, that is to say, to have a vision. I'm listening scientists, and what I've heard is that beyond changing matter properties, there's a way to change the matter itself at low energy, that is to say making changes that are usually not happening at low energy input, including freeing energy but not only. Energy itself is "structured" and transformed during that kind of reactions or triggers reactions such as Nuclear but within structures which makes them parts of complex changes.

Our thinking is it's a disruptive and paving the way to a disruptive field of science and engineering: (Quantum) Matter engineering; that is to say, producing energy and resources, what the world needs: Energy and capabilities to transforming matter to address global challenges in sustainability and more...

We have a focus on this new field and we've chosen to use the term 'Low Energy Nanoscale Reactions', a reference to this field of Science and Engineering about Energy and beyond energy, nuclear waste mitigation, transmutation, superconductivity, hydrogen production, direct production of electricity and so on.

We've also chosen this name to foster the recognition of the work done during more than 20 years by pioneers in Cold fusion and other related topics
Moreover, 'Nanoscale' term makes also the connection with materials science which incorporates elements of physics and chemistry, and is at the forefront of nanoscience and nanotechnology research. In recent years, materials science has become more widely known as a specific field of science and engineering.
