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Kiev: UE risponde. Non e' una "vendita all'asta"!

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Riot police storm Kyiv protestors’ camp during Ashton visit
Published 11 December 2013

EU says Ukraine is 'not a call for tender' after PM requests €20billion in financial aid
Pubblicato in data 11/dic/2013

Ukraine's Prime minister Mykola Azarov reportedly said on Wednesday that Kyiv is seeking €20 billion in financial aid from Brussels in order to sign the EU's association agreement.

Reacting to the media reports, the Commission said that the future of Ukraine is 'not a call for tender'.

'We consider that these agreements are good for Ukraine's prosperity. These agreements are about investment.
We consider that Ukraine's prosperity and Ukraine's future cannot be the subject of a call for tender where the highest bidder will get the prize.' said European Commission spokesman Olivier Bailly.

The comments came after Ukrainian riot police took the central square of Kyiv by storm early on Wednesday, breaking out clashes with protesters that have been gathering for the days in the biggest anti-government protest in a decade.

The incident happened only hours after EU's top diplomat Catherine Ashton held a 3 hour meeting with Ukrainian President Viktor Yanukovich, where she urged him to reconsider his position on the signing of a free trade deal with the EU.

Yanukovich refused to sign the agreement with Brussels earlier in November, making a controversial geopolitical U-turn towards Moscow.

'She is extremely disappointed after having witnessed the use of force by police against protesters yesterday, specially after the discussion she had with president Yanukovich.' said European Commission spokesman Olivier Bailly.

The EU's executive also said that no meetings are foreseen between EU officials and a Ukrainian delegation that was supposedly traveling to B russels on Wednesday, according to some media reports.

President Yanukovich will also meet Russian President Vladimir Putin on December 17th.

😆 e adesso 😆 la parola al... FMI!? Come fara' la Nuland a "convincerli"?

Honorable Member
Registrato: 3 anni fa
Post: 646
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FMI è andato contro l'Ucraina
🙂 google

... Kiev vuole attirare nel nuovo fondo programma di prestiti circa $ 15 miliardi. Programma di prestiti precedente legislatura per l'Ucraina, lanciato nel 2010, è scaduto nel dicembre 2012. FMI offre un elenco di riforme necessarie per affrontare le sfide che l'economia ucraina.

Il Fondo ha raccomandato che l'Ucraina di aumentare la flessibilità del tasso di cambio, ridurre i costi, aumentare le tariffe di elettricità e riforme strutturali per migliorare il contesto imprenditoriale e sostenere la crescita economica.

Il Fondo insiste anche sulla graduale eliminazione del programma di esenzione IVA per l'agricoltura e altri settori.

Il presidente ucraino Viktor Yanukovich ha detto in precedenza che le prescrizioni del FMI ad aumentare le tariffe per alloggi e servizi comunali per la popolazione sono inaccettabili.[/i]

😉 ma che novita' ...
