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Sembra che il boom immobiliare sia ripartito in Inghilterra

Illustrious Member
Registrato: 2 anni fa
Post: 33516
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Sembra che il boom immobiliare sia ripartito in Inghilterra dopo che in marzo Osborne aveva annunciato " Help to Buy" un mega programma di 130 miliardi di sterline, quasi 180 mld in euro e pari al 9% del PIL inglese di sussidi e garanzie per chiunque compri casa

E' un programma incredibile, perchè il governo paga lui il 20% del costo della casa come "equity" cioè ti da il soldi senza volere interessi per 5 anni e anche dopo non vuole che glieli ripaghi e lo si offre praticamente q tutti, fino a quasi un milione di euro. Inoltre il governo garantisce il mutuo

Dato che il boom immobiliare era quello che aveva fatto saltare il sistema finanziario nel 2009 il programma è stato molto criticato, ma sta funzionando perchè si usano soldi pubblici per creare un effetto leva finanziaria a catena e far esplodere l'indebitamento con i mutui. In parole povere il governo inglese cerca di far creare qualcosa come 180 miliardi di mutui nei prossimi 3-4 anni

forse è per questo che Goldman ha messo un buy sul Ftse 100

. ecco il discorso in cui in marzo veniva annunciato da Osborne

Today I can announce Help to Buy.

The deposits demanded for a mortgage these days have put home ownership beyond the great majority who cannot turn to their parents for a contribution.

That’s not just a blow to the most human of aspirations – it’s set back social mobility and it’s been hard for the construction industry.

This Budget proposes to put that right – and put it right in a dramatic way.

Help to Buy has two components.

First, we’re going to commit £3.5 billion of capital spending over the next three years to shared equity loans.

From the beginning of next month, we will offer an equity loan worth up to 20 per cent of the value of a new build home – to anyone looking to move up the housing ladder.

You put down a five per cent deposit from your savings, and the government will loan you a further 20 per cent.

The loan is interest free for the first five years.

It is repaid when the home is sold.

Previous help was only available to those who were first time buyers, and who had family incomes below £60,000.

Now help is available to all buyers of newly built homes on all incomes.

Available to anyone looking to get on or move up the housing ladder.

The only constraint will be that the home can’t be worth more than £600,000 – but this covers well over 90 per cent of all homes.

It’s a great deal for homebuyers.

It’s a great support for home builders.

And because it’s a financial transaction, with the taxpayer making an investment and getting a return, it won’t hit our deficit.

The second part of Help to Buy is even bolder – and has not been seen before in this country.

We’re going to help families who want a mortgage for any home they’re buying, old or new, but who cannot begin to afford the kind of deposits being demanded today.

We will offer a new Mortgage Guarantee.

This will be available to lenders to help them provide more mortgages to people who can’t afford a big deposit.

These guaranteed mortgages will be available to all homeowners, subject to the usual checks on responsible lending.

Using the government’s balance sheet to back these higher loan to value mortgages will dramatically increase their availability.

We’ve worked with some of the biggest mortgage lenders to get this right.

And we’re offering guarantees sufficient to support £130 billion of mortgages.

It will be available from start of 2014 – and run for three years.

