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Il clan dei Montefiore: una strapotenza inaudita

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Registrato: 2 anni fa
Post: 1142
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"9 Heshvan 5545 (24 ottobre 1784) a Joseph di Moise Haim e Raquel Montefiore nacque un figlio che chiamarono Moise Haim". Oriunda di Pesaro e Ancona, la grande famiglia dei Montefiore si ramifica in direzione di varie città italiane. Alcuni membri si stabiliscono a Livorno. Da uno di questi nasce Moshe Haim, nel 1712. Dopo il matrimonio con Ester Racah, quella dei Racah era una nota e agiata famiglia livornese dalla quale discende il professor Giulio Racah, fisico di fama e discepolo di Enrico Fermi, che fu rettore dell'università ebraica di Gerusalemme. Moshe Haim lascia I'Italia e continua la sua attività in Gran Bretagna.

Parliamo di Moses Montefiore

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The Montefiore Family

The Montefiore Crest

The Montefiore family like many English Sephardi families originally descended from Marrano families from Spain, Portugal, Mexico and others places. The Montefiore Family came to England in the 18th Century from Italy. They took their name from the village of Montefiore in Italy. The first Montefiore was Judah Leon Montefiore the son of Joseph Leon who was from a converso family in Mexico. Joseph Leon's parents were Jorge Almeida and Leonor Nunes Leon de Carvajal the sister of Luis de Carvajal (Joseph Lombroso). Joseph escaped from Mexico in the 1590's with his Carvajal uncles.

The Village of Montefiore Conca: The Possible Ancestral Home of the Italian Montefiore Family

Judah Leon Montefiore married Rachel Olivietti and it is from them that the numerous lines of the Montefiore family descend. Many of the English Montefiore families descend from Moses Vita Montefiore who came from Italy to England. He and his wife Esther Hannah Racah had a large family of 17 children (who survived to adulthood). His most famous grandson was Sir Moses Montefiore. Other grandchildren were merchants, bankers and settlers in Australia and New Zealand and Barbados. His Barbadan grandson Joseph Barrow Montefiore was the founder and President of the Jewish Kehilla in Sydney, New South Wales. Joseph's brothers Jacob and Moses with him were influencial in the foundation of Adelaide and Perth and he also lived in Melbourne for a time. The Montefiore fountain in Bridgetown Barbados is named for his grandson John Castello Montefiore.

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Prominent Member
Registrato: 2 anni fa
Post: 902

Tutti citano i Rothshild ma i Montefiore sono più potenti ed antichi.
