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BCE e altro

Illustrious Member
Registrato: 3 anni fa
Post: 6059
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-La BCE ha chiarito la sua decisione di ieri peraltro attesa, salvo che è stata lievemente peggiore del previsto. Ha alzato le garanzie richieste dalla BoG alle banche per dargli liquidità contro titoli. Questo restringe ulteriormente la liquidità, Qui il paper:

-Si legge ovunque che sarebbero state presentate dalla Grecia delle proposte, in tutto simili a quelle rifiutate, anche riportando dei dettagli su IVA ecc.. però io documenti non ne ho visti.
Quindi non è una cosa confermata.

-Jeroen Dijsselbloem che è la persona più importante lì, è arrivato e ha rilasciato questa dichiarazione, secondo me di rilievo.
Eurogroup president Jeroen Dijsselbloem said finance ministers were still waiting for the Greek proposals, and needed to see if they were credible.
As he arrived at the Eurogroup meeting, he was asked if a new Greek finance minister would help talks, Dijsselbloem said it was not about personalities but “where we stand politically.”

"The No [vote] means the old proposals were rejected, It is very difficult. We await the new proposals and see if they are credible."

Asked if they had not already been delivered and were a version of the previous reforms, he said:
"You seem to have them, I am going in to see my colleagues.

We have been doing whatever it takes to strengthen the eurozone and keep it together.
We can’t have an outcome which would damage our credibility.

It has to be credible for the future of Greece and the eurozone
We will be working on that and hopefully getting a solution."

-C'è poi questa notizia:
"According to sources in Brussels, 16 of the other 18 countries in the eurozone are in favor of letting Greece leave the eurozone and they will have to weigh up the cost of any agreement to keep Athens in the single currency."
La riporta il giornale Greco Kathimerini

E questa: [Reuters]
Athens has not asked Moscow for financial help though the two have discussed joint investments, Russian Economy Minister Alexei Ulyukayev said on Tuesday.

"Greece has not asked for any help, we haven't discussed such an issue,"
