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Illustrious Member
Registrato: 2 anni fa
Post: 6059
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Intanto leggo questa curiosità:

"Now this is interesting..... There’s a rumour that Alexis Tsipras might organised summer sessions in the Greek parliament, to help drive through the economic reforms agreed with lenders.

“Summer sessions” sound rather cosy and fun; conjuring up visions of MPs sipping Pimms in deckchairs, perhaps, and occasionally passing the odd law.
The reality is less relaxing, and more Machiavellian.
It would mean that just 100 MPs debated the plans, not the full 300 -- and Tsipras could choose which government members turned up.

Kathimerini reports:

The aim of switching Parliament to a reduced summer session, where 100 MPs sit instead of the full 300, would be to allow him to choose which SYRIZA MPs attend the votes, thus removing rebel lawmakers and facilitating the passage of legislation pledged to lenders.
According to sources, a presidential decree ordering Parliament to switch to its summer sessions has been drafted and only requires the signature of President Prokopis Pavlopoulos.

If it happens, Tsipras could force unpopular measures into law, avoiding a confidence vote.
It would clearly be controversial, though, especially given Tsipras’s opposition to the whole notion in the past."

In pratica per evitare un voto di fiducia farebbe questa "summer session" del Parlamento con 100 parlamentari (di cui quelli di Syriza scelti) invece di 300, da quel che si capisce.

Illustrious Member
Registrato: 2 anni fa
Post: 6059
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Mmmmmmm.....a proposito....
"A total of 11 shadow banks in China have appealed to the Chinese government for a bailout, the Financial Times reported. The bailout, the report said, would allow the bankrupt shadow banks to backstop loans to problem borrowers. The report said the 11 non-bank lenders have written an open letter to the top Communist party official in northern China's Hebei province requesting a bail out, otherwise an intersecting default of trust products could take place. The 11 firms - 10 trust companies and a fund manager - sold 24 separate wealth management products worth Rmb5.5bn (USD857m)."


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