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LENR: l'importanza dell'idrogeno

Illustrious Member
Registrato: 2 anni fa
Post: 6373
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Mah, francamente m'incuriosisce di piu' il filosofare di Axil, del filosofare di un computer che ipotizza scontri di buchi neri. Non fosse che per il semplice motivo che Axil si china su cose tangibili, qui ed ora.,

L'idea guida di Axil, il commentatore informato benissimo sulle LENR, e' che in questi inspiegati fenomeni giochi un ruolo chiave l'idrogeno. Ma non quello normale, bensi' quello che diventa cristallino, se sottoposto a pressione pazzesca. Diventa cioe' una manifestazione della materia di Rydberg (consultare wikipedia).

Metto qui sotto il ragionamento di Axil, ringraziando Peter Gluck, che ne rende accessibile il pensiero.

Estratto da:

Axil dixit - February the 11th, 2016

The key to successful high powered LENR+ engineering is the production of hydrogen Rydberg matter (HRM) or one of its related topologically chemical compounds that possess the same crystallographic structure, that being a long linear string of hexagonal crystal planes.

Central to this production method is the application of high pressure to hydrogen in the formation of HRM. In the Sun and the interiors of the large gas planets, it takes the application of approximately 250,000 atmospheres of pressure to compress hydrogen to the point where HRM will form.

Hydrogen has a complicated phase diagram as a function of pressure and temperature. To produce HRM in the lab where the ambient temperature is constant, pressure is the operative variable that, once as its constraints are met, will result in the generation of HRM in the lab setting.

To understand how past LENR production methods fit into the pressure/HRM meme, both to palladium/deuterium and Nickel/hydrogen LENR methods are based on generating high pressure hydrogen to meet the minimum pressure generation requirements. The Etiam Inc. patent application calls out a number of HRM fabrication techniques that allows HRM to be produced in the Lab environment that involve lowering the pressure required for HRM formation.

1 - Using molecular bounds in transition metals to compress hydrogen through capillary action. Palladium absorbs hydrogen where molecular bound compression increases as the percentage hydrogen loading increases.

For nickel which does not absorb hydrogen, nickel requires sintering or surface preparation to open up lattice cavities or cracks that allow hydrogen to penetrate into the nickel where it is compressed by molecular bounds.

2 - The use of lithium and/or other alkali metals to lower the pressure requirements for HRM formation by 400%. Other low work function additives like rare earth oxides can be used as an addition as seen in the Lugano fuel particle.

3 - The use of quantum mechanically based hexagonal crystal catalyst such as graphite, mica, and/or quartz as a quantum mechanical template to format the hexagonal crystal structure of HRM. Holmlid uses graphite. Rossi uses mica. And the referenced patent uses powdered quartz.

4 - The use of cavitation as a way to increase pressure in the metal lattice that holds the HRM in compression.

5 - The use of a low voltage electrostatic stimulation to help in the HRM formation process.

6 - The use of an electric arc to induce a shock wave to increase pressure in HRM formation.

7 - Time. The formation of HRM is constrained by probability when the pressure of formation is marginal. The uncertain principle allows the pressure to increase as a result of the uncertainty in the distances between the hydrogen atoms in the crystal. It is possible that the pressure for HRM formation to reach formation levels even if the sum of the production methods doesn't meet the minimum pressure threshold. Of course, the closer the pressure threshold is to the formation threshold, the more probable HRM formation becomes.

Once HRM is created and released by the lattice, it is electrostatically attracted to the surface of the nickel or palladium micro particles where it is loaded with Surface Plasmon Polaritons (SPP) produced at the boundary surface between the transition metal and the dielectric (hydrogen) using infrared photon pumping. The SPP is quasiparticles that produces an intense EMF covering on the surface of the HRM which causes the LENR reaction through the destabilization of the protons and neutrons in the nucleus.

In Holmlid's case the photons are visible and green in color or ultraviolet in the case of ambient fluorescent lighting.
