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LENR: ruolo della materia di Rydberg

Illustrious Member
Registrato: 2 anni fa
Post: 6373
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Capire cosa stia dietro alle LENR e' un'impresa. E' certamnente un'impresa multidisciplinare. Diversi punti di vista pian piano cominciano a focalizzare l'attenzione in alcune direzioni.

Qui sotto metto il riassunto di un contributo sulle LENR alla conferenza della societa' americana di fisica, che si terra'nel mese di aprile nello Utah. Due noti ricercatori nordici evidenziano il ruolo giocato nelle LENR dalla materia di Rydberg. Constatazione che loro hanno fatto sperimentalmente e gia' pubblicata.

Wikipedia spiega cosa sia mai questa materia di Rydberg:
con un paio di grafici illustrativi

niente grafici in italiano, troppo difficili da tradurre, evidentemente


-- Bulletin of the American Physical Society --

APS April Meeting 2016
Saturday-Tuesday, April 16-19, 2016; Salt Lake City, Utah

Session E11: Energy Research and Applications

Abstract: E11.00009 : Rydberg phases of Hydrogen and low energy nuclear reactions

Preview Abstract

Sveinn Olafsson
(Faculty of Physical Sciences, University of Iceland, Reykjavik, Iceland)

Leif Holmlid
(Atmospheric Science, Department of Chemistry and Molecular Biology, University of Gothenburg, SE-412 96 Goteborg, Sweden)

For over the last 26 years the science of cold fusion/LENR has been researched around the world with slow pace of progress. Modest quantity of excess heat and signatures of nuclear transmutation and helium production have been confirmed in experiments and theoretical work has only resulted in a large flora of inadequate theoretical scenarios. Here we review current state of research in Rydberg matter of Hydrogen that is showing strong signature of nuclear processes. In the presentation experimental behavior of Rydberg matter of hydrogen is described. An extensive collaboration effort of surface physics, catalysis, atomic physics, solid state physics, nuclear physics and quantum information is needed to tackle the surprising experimental results that have so far been obtained. Rydberg matter of Hydrogen is the only known state of matter that is able to bring huge collection of protons to so short distances and for so long time that tunneling becomes a reasonable process for making low energy nuclear reactions. Nuclear quantum entanglement can also become realistic process at theses conditions.
